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Book: i 0e57392105b539eb by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
stormed in unannounced.

    “Ah, the prodigal son has decided to grace us with—by the
    ancestors!” Elder Elor Blackthorn flatted his hands over the surface of his
    desk and pushed to his feet. “When did this happen?”
    “Recently,” Kai answered, his tone clipped.
    Instead of offering his congratulations or showing any signs that he
    might be happy for his son, the elder pressed his lips together and
    nodded. “Your mother will be pleased to hear.”
    “How is mother?” Kai missed her, especially now when he had so
    many questions.
    “She’s well. Still visiting her sister in the Eastern Isle.” He motioned
    to one of the empty chairs in front of his desk as he lowered back into his
    own seat. “Who is the female? Someone I know?”
    “My soulmate is one of the human females who landed on the beach
    yesterday.” He spoke louder, talking over his father’s objections. “She is
    the reason I’m here. Will the other elders be joining us?”
    Elor’s golden eyes narrowed dangerously, but after a heavy pause,
    he sighed and leaned back in his chair. “They’ll join us shortly.” Folding
    his arms over his broad chest, he observed Kai for several heartbeats
    before continuing. “You have been avoiding my communications.”
    He’d often been told he looked a great deal like his father, but Kai
    had never seen it. All of his life, he’d been of average height and build,
    no more remarkable than any other unmated male. His father, having
    been fortunate enough to find his soulmate, had always been large and
    imposing, both in appearance and demeanor.

    Now, apart from the color of their hair, Kai could see the
    resemblance, and it left him somewhat unnerved.
    “I didn’t want to trouble you until I had information.”
    Elor’s lips stretched into a knowing smirk. “You always were a
    terrible liar, son. Dishonesty doesn’t suit you.”
    It wasn’t a lie. Merely a partial truth. “I’ve come to request permission
    from the Court of Elders to transmit a communication off-planet.”
    He’d expected his father to deny him at once, to rage about the safety
    and security of Xenthian. Kai had anticipated judgment and a lecture
    about the responsibilities of a leader to put his people before his heart.
    During the shuttle ride into the Valley, he’d rehearsed his defense,
    prepared to remind the elders of the sanctity of the mating laws they
    themselves had written.
    So, when Elor shook his head, Kai wasn’t surprised, but then the elder
    “It won’t be easy to sway them to what you ask. Can I assume this
    pertains to your new mate?”
    Taken aback by the response, it took Kai a moment to change
    directions in his argument. “Ivy, and yes. Her ship was damaged during
    the landing, and while most of her crew escaped, she is worried for their
    well-being. She informs me that it’s also imperative for her to reach her
    “She is also a stranger in an unfamiliar world. I’m sure she misses her
    home.” He chuckled quietly when Kai gaped at him. “Son, I expect

    greatness from you, because I know you are capable of extraordinary
    things. I’m aware that I can be difficult and uncompromising, but I am
    not without compassion. All your mother and I have ever wanted is for
    you to find happiness.”
    Kai’s carefully planned words abandoned him, and he sat in silence
    as a wave of love and gratitude for his father washed over him. He’d
    never known the man to be unkind, only steadfast in his resolve and
    narrow-minded about things he didn’t understand. It was an intolerance
    built on fear and instilled into their people from birth, one Kai hoped Ivy
    would help him to change.
    “I have your support?”
    His father sat up straighter and lifted his chin. “You do, but as I said,
    it won’t be an easily won battle.”
    “I’m prepared to use any means of persuasion necessary.”
    A predatory grin curled the corners of Elor’s lips. “Good.”

    * * * *
“Everyone is

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