
Read Online Resignation by Missy Jane - Free Book Online

Book: Resignation by Missy Jane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Missy Jane
around the desk and heading for the door. He knew exactly how long it
would take to reach the ground floor. The moment the doors opened he searched
for her, almost afraid of what he would find.
    Seeing Marc angry had been a relief. He knew the man wasn’t
the violent type and Darina would never goad him into actually hitting her.
What his overactive imagination kept telling him, as the seconds ticked by and
the elevator doors remained closed, was quite different. Sol’s fear had been of
finding them in an embrace. Every time he looked at her beautiful lips he
barely restrained himself from stealing a taste. He didn’t know what he
would’ve done if Marc felt the same way. One thing was for certain, he wouldn’t
have given a damn about his job.
    I would’ve beaten the hell out of him without a second
thought. Damn, I’m getting way too attached here.
    Darina had sensed the shift in Sol’s mood from the moment
she had turned her attention away from him to Marc. She wished she could undo
whatever action had upset him, but she had no clue which it had been.
    Does he know I was trying to protect him?
    Marc could easily cost Sol his job and there wouldn’t be a
damn thing either of them could do about it. Sol didn’t seem angry exactly, but
he certainly wasn’t happy either. She would’ve given up chocolate for a year to
be able to hear his thoughts as they walked out to the parking lot.
Unfortunately no one was offering that deal and Sol seemed so lost in thought
she was surprised he remembered to open her door for her.
    She mumbled her thanks and moved to slip into her car when
he gently grabbed her arm and stopped her. She turned to look at him and found
herself pulled into his embrace, his warm lips capturing hers in a hungry kiss.
He moaned and she echoed it as his tongue slid against hers and his arms
tightened around her. He pulled back and rested his forehead against hers,
panting slightly.
    “Darina, I’m sorry if I upset you back there.”
    His apology confused her, but before she could question him
he turned her around and gently pushed her into the car. She went willingly,
tucking herself in so he could close her door. He smiled at her through the
window and mouthed “see you soon” before heading to his truck. She watched him
walk away before putting on her seat belt and turning the key in the ignition.
She had no clue why he’d apologized but relief filled her at seeing him smile.
    We have all night to straighten it out.

Chapter Five
    Sol closed the front door and locked it, then turned to find
Darina facing him with a wary look on her face.
    “Hey, you okay?” he asked quietly, stepping toward her
slowly with his hands stretched out as if she were a frightened animal.
    He almost expected her to scurry away like one, or to yell
at him for his behavior in the foyer. She bit her bottom lip and it took all of
his control to keep from pulling her close enough for him to do the same. He
stopped a breath away, leaving the final millimeter up to her. If she wasn’t
angry and wanted to be in his arms, he had them ready to receive her. Somehow
he feared they were about to have their first official fight.
    “Yeah, I’m okay. Why wouldn’t I be?”
    There was something in her voice he couldn’t quite place. He
widened his stance and clasped his hands behind his back to keep from grabbing
her. They needed to have this discussion without the distraction of sex.
    “You seem upset. Did I make you mad when I interfered on the
    Surprise lit her face, but he didn’t know if it was a good
sign or not.
    “Um, no, not exactly. I mean, I wasn’t angry with you for
interfering between me and Marc. I’m just worried about you losing your job.
Remember, I have something else lined up if I go off the deep end with him. You
don’t…do you?”
    He smiled and shook his head. “No, I don’t.”
    “Well, see? You need to keep your temper with him, even if
he is a complete dumbass.”

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