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Book: i 0e57392105b539eb by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
battles, meant more to her than any testosterone-
    fueled display of protectiveness.
    The man practically vibrated at her side, and she could almost feel
    the self-control he exercised to keep his anger checked. Stars help her,
    but she found it sexy as hell.
    Rubbing Kai’s forearm in calming strokes, she pressed closer to his
    side, drawing his attention away from Tariq. “He’s an idiot, but he’s only
    “He upset you.” With a menacing step toward the hybrid, he waved
    his hand through the air and mumbled a series of strange words under
    his breath. “There. That’s better.”
    Cami screamed, and Ivy gasped, but Kai just smirked. One minute,
    Tariq had been standing in the middle of the street, and the next, he’d
    simply vanished with no explanation. Of course, Ivy had seen magic
    before, but she hadn’t been prepared for it at that moment, and the
    incident left her grasping for something to say.

    “Where did he go?”
    “Bring him back!” Cami yelled, advancing on the king and poking
    her finger into his midsection. “You bring him back right now!”
    Kai appeared so perplexed by her anger, Ivy began to laugh, but
    quickly covered it with a cough when Cami glared at her. She and Tariq
    bickered like siblings, but it never meant anything. Yes, she’d been
    momentarily saddened by depressing thoughts of the past, but that
    hadn’t been Tariq’s fault, not really.
    “If you don’t bring him back right this minute,” Cami raged,
    “I’ll…I’ll…well, I don’t know, but it’ll hurt. A lot.”
    Kai caught her hand when she moved to poke him again and held it
    gently. “I merely sent him back to your quarters in the citadel. I assure
    you he is perfectly unharmed.”
    “Fine.” Jerking her hand back, Cami spun on her heels and began
    marching down the street. “Oh, he’s going to be impossible after this.”
    “Cami, wait,” Ivy called. With all the yelling and people disappearing
    into thin air, they’d drawn quite the crowd, and she didn’t want Cami to
    be alone. “Wait, I’ll go with you.”
    She took only one step before Kai caught her around the wrist to pull
    her back to his side. “Tira.” He said her name with a quiet sigh, and he
    didn’t even blink when she appeared at Ivy’s side, out of fucking
    nowhere. “Please escort Lady Navarra back to the citadel.”
    “Yes, sir.” The captain bowed her head to Ivy. “Until our next
    meeting, Ivy Dalton.”

    Ivy waved at her dazedly, but she couldn’t get enough air into her
    lungs to speak until the female had already disappeared down the street
    with Cami. In her world, the laws of physics made sense, and magic only
    existed in books and legends. People stayed firmly where they were
    supposed to be and didn’t poof in and out of goddamn existence.
    The more she thought about it, the less sense it made, until she finally
    had to ask. “Okay, teleportation or whatever, I get. Well, in theory, but
    how the hell did Tira hear you?”
    Kai had the audacity to look at her as if she had lost her mind. “She
    was standing at my side.”
    “Wait, wait, wait.” She waved her hands around, drawing more
    attention from the onlookers. “Are you saying she was what? Invisible?”
    “My lady, is that so hard to believe? A cloaking shield hides our
    entire planet. One little captain is not so difficult.”
    Thinking back to her time in the citadel, Ivy remembered sentries
    appearing from the shadows when she was lost or needed help. She
    really hadn’t given it much thought, assuming they’d simply been
    lurking nearby, but now, she wondered.
    “Have you had guards following me?”
    His dark eyebrows drew together, and he cupped her cheek in his
    hand. “Yes, of course. You are my soulmate. I will always protect you,
    even when I can’t be with you.”
    He said it with such sincerity, such reverence, her building irritation
    faded, and she tilted her head to nuzzle into his palm. Great galaxies,

    something was

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