Hunt for the Saiph (The Saiph Series Book 3)

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Book: Hunt for the Saiph (The Saiph Series Book 3) by PP Corcoran Read Free Book Online
Authors: PP Corcoran
Maia hoping no one would see through her air of nonchalance and spot that she too was impatient to see her sister again. At eighteen years old, Maia was a carbon copy of Kayla at the same age, tall, raven-haired with high cheekbones, and eyes which were as piercing as lasers. Christos hardly failed to notice the admiring looks she got from the many single young men on the base. He shook his head, realizing it was only going to get worse when she flew the nest and began college back on Earth.
    "Something wrong, Poppa?" asked Maia with a blinding smile.
    Christos mumbled something under his breath as his parental radar fixed on a couple of marines looking in Maia's direction as they headed for another landing pad. Quick to notice they were the target of Christos' hawk-like stare, they picked up their pace and began an animated conversation, averting their eyes from the admiral and his party.
    "Now Christos, that’s no way to treat potential suitors for your daughter’s hand, is it?" Mrs. Brown said in a stage whisper loud enough for Maia's cheeks to take on a red tinge.
    Christos gave the elderly woman a withering look before mumbling a few more choice words under his breath.
    Odysseia tugged at his hand. "Can we go now, Poppa? The board says Philippa's shuttle has landed and we don't want to miss her."
    Looking down into the screwed-up face of his youngest, Christos could only smile. "I don't think we have to worry about that. Just remember who the boss is around here."
    The girl’s face turned serious before she said, "I thought Mrs. Brown was the boss." She skipped out of reach as Christos' hand moved to playfully swat her behind.
    The small group headed into the arrivals area and on seeing the three stars glinting on the admiral’s collar, military and civilians alike stood back at a respectful distance. With a soft hum, the bulkhead leading to the shuttle bay slid open and a mix of military and civilians began to enter the arrivals area. Odysseia was virtually bouncing from foot to foot as she tried to spot her elder sister and Maia was forced to keep a restraining hand on her shoulder.
    "There she is! There she is!" Squealed an excited Odysseia. Maia looked to her father for approval. He gave her a small nod and all at once, the whirlwind that was Odysseia Papadomas flew across the arrivals area, ducked under the barrier separating the arrivals gate from the waiting families, and pounced on an unsuspecting marine corporal still in the process of showing her travel orders to the military police officer staffing the gate. The police officer was about to say something when he spotted the approaching admiral. Taking a second look at the marine’s identity on his PAD, he made the connection. Corporal Papadomas, daughter of Vice Admiral Papadomas. Like all good soldiers when the brass were descending, he made himself scarce. With a brusque wave of his hand, he passed Philippa and her limpet-like sister through and into the main arrivals area.
    Maia gave her elder sister a hug before lifting Odysseia from her arms. "You can't hang off a marine like that, you little monkey."
    Philippa turned to face her father. She brought herself to attention and gave him a parade ground salute. Christos assumed the position of attention himself and snapped off a salute of his own. From behind him came Mrs. Brown's exasperated voice. "If you’ve finished with the military stuff, Christos, may I remind you, you haven't seen each other for two years? Perhaps you’d like to welcome your daughter home properly?"
    Christos’ face broke into a large smile, mirroring Philippa’s. Stepping forward, his powerful arms pulled his daughter to him. "Welcome home, Philippa."
    Philippa closed her eyes and breathed deeply, enjoying the feel of his protective arms around her. "Thanks, Poppa. I've missed you all."
    Christos sensed her weariness, a weariness he recognized from the many times he had returned from an arduous mission and fell into Kayla’s

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