Hunt for the Saiph (The Saiph Series Book 3)

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Book: Hunt for the Saiph (The Saiph Series Book 3) by PP Corcoran Read Free Book Online
Authors: PP Corcoran
sidestepped their attempts to push him down that road. Eventually, his constant refusals frustrated his commanding officer so much, the officer decided to try a different tactic. The next time the ship was in port the CO ensured said sailor was held up on board for a couple of hours while the CO threw the rulebook out the window and called on the sailor’s wife at home. The CO had no way of anticipating how his turning up unexpectedly at the home would be taken.
    “The sailor’s heavily pregnant wife met him at the door while cradling another child in her arms. The CO begged her pardon for his intrusion but explained he needed to speak to her about her husband. She invited him in and he spent the next hour explaining to the sailor’s wife that her husband was the most promising candidate for officer school he had ever come across. His peers and superiors held him in such high regard that on more than one occasion he was given responsibilities well above his rank and performed them to such a high standard he put others to shame. However, for whatever reason, he refused to take the next step. The CO feared his constant refusal would eventually lead to a point where the offer of a commission would simply be withdrawn and, in his opinion, this would be a complete tragedy. The wife sat and listened patiently to what the CO had to say and had apparently mulled the problem over for a few minutes while the CO waited. She stood and showed the CO to the door, promising that her husband would be outside his office the following morning to fill in the required paperwork."
    Philippa, so deeply engrossed by Nicholas’ story, jumped when her father let out a loud "Harrumph!" The mischievous look in his eyes did not match his stern expression.
    "That was Kayla's version of events. I seem to remember it differently," said Christos as a grin cracked his lips.
    "Say what you like, Christos, but I never doubted her," replied Nicholas.
    Philippa’s words caught in her throat as she realized both men were referring to her mother. And if the story was about her mother, then the sailor had to be her father. Philippa's open jaw closed with a snap, which earned a hearty chuckle from Nicholas.
    "Ah, I see Philippa has put two and two together, Christos." Pulling himself out of the chair, Nicholas headed for the kitchen door. "Time to refresh my wine, I think," he said, leaving Christos and Philippa alone as the kitchen door slid closed behind him.
    "I... I... I didn't know it was Momma who pushed you to take a commission Poppa. I always thought it was something you decided."
    Christos smiled as he leaned forward and took his daughter’s hands in his. "Oh Philippa, I would still be taking orders and saluting ensigns fresh out of the academy if your mother hadn't given me a swift kick in the ass that day. I knew I was good enough to be an officer, but sometimes you just need someone to grab you by the scruff of the neck and shove you down a direction you know is the right one, even if you don't have the confidence to go there yourself."
    Philippa could only look at the man who had always been her rock, who had always known the right thing to do, who had never seemed to need to consult another living soul when a hard decision had to be made. Now she understood how deep her parents’ relationship had actually been. Momma was his rock and when she was wrenched from him, it left a void, which would never be filled again. He wasn’t angry she refused to take a commission, he just didn’t know how to give her the gentle nudge in the right direction Momma had given him.
    Lifting her chin and straightening her spine Philippa looked into her father’s dark eyes. "I'll do it Poppa. And I promise to make you and Momma proud."
    The kitchen door slid aside and revealed Nicholas standing there with a topped-up wine glass and a frosted beer bottle, which he handed to Philippa. "A toast. To the latest recruit to marine officer training. God help

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