The Wandering Caravan

Read Online The Wandering Caravan by E. L. Todd - Free Book Online

Book: The Wandering Caravan by E. L. Todd Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. L. Todd
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, Romantic
she moved in with me. Now we were moving across the country and we hadn’t been together for a year. Did she not take that seriously? Did she just jump into relationships without thinking? How long were she and her ex broken up before we got together? Was I a rebound?
    I couldn’t directly ask any of this. That would be incredibly offensive, and she could just lie to me. Knowing the reason behind their breakup would give me a lot of indirect information. But she wouldn’t give it up.
    There was only one other person who could get it for me. It was wrong to trick Monnique into revealing her secret, but I was desperate. I had to know.
    When Monnique finally fell asleep, I walked outside and called Scarlet.
    She was asleep when she answered. “Muh?”
    I couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m sorry to wake you but I need your help.”
    “I need you to get some information out of Monnique for me.”
    “Like what?” Scarlet asked.
    “Information about her ex. I want to know why they broke up. They were together for five years and engaged. Then they just went their separate ways.”
    “Why does it matter, Cortland?”
    “It just does,” I said quickly. “Will you help?”
    “Umm…Cortland, you’re my best friend and I’d do anything for you, but Monnique is a good friend too. I feel uncomfortable preying on her trust to get information out of her just to betray her. She’ll tell you when she’s ready.”
    I rolled my eyes. Scarlet always had to take the high road. “Whatever.”
    “Don’t get mad at me.”
    I knew I was being unreasonable. “Could you do something else?”
    “Could you persuade her to tell me?”
    “I can try,” she whispered. She was probably trying not to wake Sean.
    “Cortland, if I were you, I’d just let it go.”
    “I can’t.”
    “Why?” she asked.
    “I’m scared she’ll do the same thing to me.”
    “You two are killing me.”
    I had no idea what that meant. “What?”
    “First, Ryan was insecure in his relationship and now you are. You two need to just calm down. Your women love you and want to be with you forever. Just be happy. Monnique wouldn’t be moving across the country if she wasn’t certain of her feelings for you.”
    “She seemed certain when she got engaged but she still left.”
    “Cortland, knock it off. You have no idea what happened so don’t make assumptions.”
    “The fact she won’t tell me just bothers me even more. I tell her everything.”
    “So she knows we slept together?” she snapped.
    She caught me. “No…”
    “Some secrets are meant to stay secrets. Take my advice. Just let it go.”
    I sighed. “Easier said than done.”
    “When she’s ready, she’ll open up to you. You’ll have to be patient for the time being.”
    “You feel better now?” she asked.
    I shrugged. “A little.”
    “Well, I can’t stay awake any longer. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
    “Good night.”
    She hung up without saying goodbye.
    I stood in the frigid air for a moment, just my briefs on. After I felt a little better, I went back inside. I crept to the sleeping bag and snuggled beside her.
    “Where were you?”
    I flinched at her voice. “Outside.”
    “Doing what?” The anger was evident behind her words.
    I never lied to her so I wasn’t going to start now. “Scarlet.”
    “I was upset. She talked me down.”
    Monnique fell silent. Her back was still to me. She never turned around.
    I couldn’t sleep so I stared at the ceiling. I wanted to hold Monnique but I knew she didn’t want me to touch her. I let her be.

    “How are you and Sean?” I asked.
    Scarlet was sitting beside me on the plane. Sean was on the other side of her but he was in the restroom. I took advantage of the opportunity to have a chat with her. “We’re better. We talked it out. He just felt guilty for what happened.”
    “And the honeymoon is going again?” I asked even though I didn’t

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