Howl My Name (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Grayslake Book 5)

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Book: Howl My Name (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Grayslake Book 5) by Celia Kyle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Celia Kyle
Tags: Romance, Paranormal, BBW, Werewolf, werebear
his knees, neck bared. The man’s breathing came in heavy pants and the wind brought the stench of fear to them.
    Evelyn sifted her fingers through his hair, fisting the strands and giving them a soft tug to grab his attention. “You realize I’m spending more time calming you than I do just talking to you.”
    Reid grunted and she realized it was his go-to response when he didn’t have anything to say.
    She tugged again and he drew his gaze from the kneeling bear to her. “What’s his name?”
    He glared at her, a quick look of possessiveness crossing his features as he curled his lip. “Carter.”
    “I don’t recognize him. Who is he to the clan?”
    “From Grayslake. One of the bears I hauled outta the SUV. Wants to be a guard in Brookfield.”
    “And your first thought when he interrupted?”
    Reid’s attention drifted back to the kneeling bear, and he bared his fangs fully. “Mine.”
    Evelyn sighed and pushed back her arousal. His near-violent possessiveness was sexy. And dangerous. She saw some of what others whispered about, but she recognized it for what it was. Reid wasn’t insane. Her uncles—her father—were crazed. They did things for the fun of the pain and nothing more.
    Reid just had a very black and white look at life. His emotions were fierce, fast, and unforgiving. And when he made a choice, he reveled in it. It was the reveling that squicked people out.
    “And he won’t challenge that. Do you think anyone would try to take something you claimed?”
    Reid froze for a moment and took a slow breath. Fur receded as he released the air in his lungs and his muscles lost some of their tenseness. “No. If they tried, they’d die.”
    “I’m pretty sure Carter didn’t wake up this morning looking to be dead by breakfast.” She focused on the bear. His neck was still exposed, but some of his fear lessened. “Am I right?”
    “Yes, Ita—” Reid’s growl cut the bear off.
    “You could let him finish.” She poked Reid.
    “I could also kill him for looking at you.”
    And there went the male’s fear again.
    “We need to talk about this. I won’t be silenced because your wolf gets pissy.”
    Once again she was the focus of his glare. “People don’t argue with me.”
    Evelyn raised a single brow. “Really? Good thing I’m not people. I’m your mate.”
    He grunted. “At least you know and admit it.”
    “I admit you’re being a jerk, too.” She tilted her head toward the end of the alley. “He’s still kneeling and I know from experience it’s not a comfortable position.”
    Another grunt.
    “Let him up.”
    “He’s weaker.”
    “Doesn’t mean you have to be an asshole about it.”
    He pressed his lips together. “Did you just call me an asshole?”
    “No, I said you’re being an asshole. There’s a difference.” Not much of one, but there was. Of course, she’d tried explaining that to her father and the first time she said it to anyone in the clan was the last time. That was when she’d learned the pain of kneeling on rocks and asphalt. For hours. Not the worst punishment, it didn’t involve blood, but one she remembered clearly.
    “You gonna be like this the rest of our lives?”
    “You mean call you on your bullshit and keep you from flipping out for no reason?”
    The look she received was fierce and filled with an urgency and determination she hadn’t seen from him. “There is always a reason. No one may understand them when the time comes for action, but there’s a reason.”
    And she believed him.
    “Okay,” she easily agreed. “I’ll always support you, Reid. You just may need to stop and explain things now and again.” She tilted her head toward the still kneeling Carter. “Your bear came to check on you. To make sure we were okay after we tore out of the driveway. Because that’s his job. He’s meant to take care of the clan and that includes you. So he’s got your back and when he thinks you need help, he’s gonna step up.”

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