Howl My Name (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Grayslake Book 5)

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Book: Howl My Name (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Grayslake Book 5) by Celia Kyle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Celia Kyle
Tags: Romance, Paranormal, BBW, Werewolf, werebear
didn’t like his glare and was letting Evelyn know.
    Great .
    He jerked back, eyes still narrow but some of his rough anger receded and he turned his attention to their surroundings. A glance around them had him changing direction and he pulled her toward the alley between the diner and hardware store.
    Then she was in his arms, his massive hands pulling and tugging until she found her back flush with a brick wall and Reid surrounding her with his presence. He caged her, enveloping her in his body and scent, and her bear rumbled in approval. It liked this Reid, liked him tugging and pushing her as he desired; asserting his dominance without demanding her subjugation. He didn’t taunt or tease or hurt her for no reason. He demanded and her bear was more than willing to give over to his desires.
    “He…” Reid growled low and she immediately stroked him, hands reaching for his skin and mentally wincing when she found fur. “I don’t love her. Don’t like her. She’s a necessity and I need you away from that and if she tries to get close and you pull away because of her…” He shook his head. “She won’t make it to morning. I won’t let anything hurt you. Not ever.”
    “Who? Who is she to you? To me?” She readily admitted Asher’s words cut deeply, slicing her to her core.
    …love of your life…
    Reid pressed his cheek to her neck, burying his face in her hair as he drew in a deep breath and then released it slowly. Another inhale and gradual exhale, each one stirring the strands. “Not here. Not now.”
    “Where then? When?” She needed an explanation. Her bear craved the words. Not because she didn’t trust in this driving force shoving them together, but to protect her own heart. She slowly accepted they belonged together, but if his heart was tied to another.
    She wasn’t sure how she’d survive.
    Another wheezing inhale was followed by a soft sigh. He crowded her closer, one thigh slipping between hers and she easily moved with him, moving as he desired until she found her legs lifted and wrapped around his waist. She slipped her arms behind his neck and clung to him as he continued to breathe through whatever anger—and fear?—plagued him.
    Something sent him running. Something about that woman, and Evelyn’s bear resolved to kick the female out of Brookfield the moment she could. What they had was built on violence and death, but she hoped to continue creating something that didn’t involve blood and gore or… heartache. She wasn’t sure which was worse, the killing or the crying she saw on the horizon.
    “Evie…” he whispered her name and she didn’t bother correcting him. She wouldn’t admit that she liked the nickname from his lips. Ever. “I need a day, an hour, just time without them. Without the fight, without the bears.”
    “I hate to state the obvious,” she drawled. “But I’m a bear.”
    He shook his head. “No, you’re so much more. You don’t expect me to lead your ass around like a young one.”
    That made her feel good and hurt at the same time. “Is that what you think of my clan?”
    Hers. Hers since she took a punch for them. A kick for them. A claw for them. Scars littered her body and they were for each one of the souls in the Brookfield clan.
    “Right now? They’re so beat down, Evie. They are like pups. Lost. Scared. And I understand, but I need five minutes with you. With your scent and touch. Need it like air before we talk about my bullshit.”
    “Reid?” The deep baritone was familiar, but she couldn’t place the male’s name. All she knew was he invaded their space and destroyed the moment between her and her mate.
    Unfortunately for the newcomer, Reid took the interruption worse than Evelyn. She only groaned. Reid roared. Louder than a bear, hell, scarier than any shifter she’d heard. The sound reminded her of a lion yet so much more .
    The scuffle of a boot on asphalt drew her attention to the street and the pale bear who’d dropped to

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