Howl My Name (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Grayslake Book 5)

Read Online Howl My Name (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Grayslake Book 5) by Celia Kyle - Free Book Online

Book: Howl My Name (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Grayslake Book 5) by Celia Kyle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Celia Kyle
Tags: Romance, Paranormal, BBW, Werewolf, werebear
growl, his beast filling him and stretching the edge of his control.
    “Evelyn,” her correction was a soft tease.
    “You should go.” But he didn’t push her away. Physically couldn’t move her from him. His muscles refused to react to his choice and the wolf retained control of his body.
    “What happened to you?”
    “Terrence called me. I came. I killed, and now I’m the Itan.”
    “I’m not talking recently. I’m talking about the past. That’s not what I mean and you know it.”
    He did. Funny thing though. No one knew the truth. Not his family, not Clary, and he sure as hell didn’t tell Terrence.
    But fuck him sideways, he wanted to tell Evie. Everything. Every word and emotion. Every strike of pain and every tear he’d shed. The first day… God, that day he’d let them go, let them wash away the blood on his hands.
    And then never again.
    “Evie…” It was a warning and plea in one. If she kept pushing and prodding, he’d cut open the old wound and let it bleed for her. He’d give it all, lay his past in her hands, and let her judge him. It’d hurt, it’d probably come close to killing him, but he’d do it. For her. For a woman he hardly knew and couldn’t breathe without. “I…”
    The rumble reached him first, the sound nearly imperceptible, but present nonetheless. He tilted his head to the side and closed his eyes, listening and he was thankful his mate—for she could be nothing else—remained silent. A vehicle. No, two. Large. SUVs? Their kind—shifters—tended to only drive bigger trucks. They hated being confined.
    If it wasn’t for the fact he knew Terrence was big on early mornings and demanded his bears be the same, he’d be worried about who crested the hill. But he knew who drew nearer.
    Reid gave Evie’s leg a gentle squeeze and encouraged her to stand as he did the same.
    Asher burst through the front door, wide grin on his face and cell phone in his hand. “Just talked to Terrence. Looks like he sent these guys early, but said the love of your life is throwing a bitch fit about you not answering her calls and being denied permission to come to Brookfield.”
    Two things happened then. Evie stiffened, her surprise and hurt coating him in a disgusting wave that had his stomach cramping and wolf howling. He also decided Asher was better off dead.
    Evie stepped away from him, putting space between them, and he hated it. He reached for her, growling low when she eased just out of reach. “Evie—”
    “I bet Terrence won’t be able to keep her away for long and she’ll be here by nightfall.”
    Dead. The male was dead.

Chapter Nine
    Other than getting in and out of the SUV, Reid hadn’t released Evelyn since they’d left the den. Just as the two SUVs rolled to a stop, he grabbed her hand and hauled her toward the first large vehicle. Then he’d basically ripped a male out of the passenger seat before doing the same to the driver. The other bear managed to scramble from the truck before Reid peeled down the driveway.
    Now he tugged her down Main Street toward the local diner. He’d heard it was a favorite among the bears, the owners serving mostly meat with occasionally a side of hash browns at breakfast or French fries at lunch. Nothing green crossed the threshold of Come and Get It . Ever.
    “Reid?” She tried to snare his attention, but he just grunted in response. “Reid?” She spoke louder and tugged against his hold, trying to get him to stop or slow or something other than pull her like he was three and she was his favorite red wagon.
    “Reid,” she yanked herself free of his strangling grip and he spun to face her, yellowed eyes out in full force. His expression was just short of a snarl, but she wasn’t afraid of him. He was frustrated and angry but not at her. “Reid, what’s going on?” She tried for gentle and she wasn’t sure she was successful. Not when she realized she had her own fangs filling her mouth. Apparently her bear

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