How To Recognize A Demon Has Become Your Friend (Necon Modern Horror Book 9)

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Book: How To Recognize A Demon Has Become Your Friend (Necon Modern Horror Book 9) by Linda Addison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Addison
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was all over.
But instead of banging into the wall, my body bubbled through it.
    I was more than surprised. I was
shocked. When I came out of the wall I found I had shifted in my body.
    No, that’s not normal for us.
Humans see everything from our head. We can lose arms and legs and live, but
off with our head and that’s the end. One second I was in my left hand, the
next in my right thigh. Every now and then I’d slide into my head and could see
the Earth getting smaller and smaller. This doesn’t happen to the everyday
blood-sweat-and-tears human body.
    I don’t mean that literally.
We’re made of a lot more than that. It’s just a saying. You’ve got to loosen
    ( ( . . . ) )
    Hey, stop that! I don’t mean
loosen your physical dimensions. Pull yourself together.
    I wanted to cry or clench my fist
or anything except float around in my body as it floated around in space with
strange voices drifting in and out of my nose.
    Thanks for understanding. Loss is
a universal thing.
    I don’t know how long I floated
around. Every now and then I’d end up in my head and could look around. I don’t
know the constellations so I couldn’t place myself. I couldn’t see Earth
    Then I bumped into you. That’s
when your voices came in loud and clear.
    Well, I’d get out of your way if
I could but we seem to be stuck together.
    I don’t think moving towards me
is a good idea. Wait...

reduced to ashes,
as angel wings.
red light brings
rush of strong bodies
in resistance.
through an ambitious life
in waiting dreams
fire must be extinguished.
to light, white ashes
angel light
carried in silent waiting.
will the heroes arrive
stop the flames
burning, the waiting?
will the silent scream end
scent of burning dreams
under the rush of water?

The Box
      “How can you stay so calm?” Sharon asked,
standing over Claire. “If my husband told me he’d gambled three months of rent
away and we had to move, I’d kill him.”
      Claire leaned back in the chair and ran
her hand through her short salt and pepper hair.
    “We’ve had to move before, but
this time he didn’t tell me he was going to use our rent money. He’s always
told me before. I’ve never stopped him from gambling.”
    “Maybe you should have,” Sharon
said, refilling their coffee cups.
    “You don’t understand. I knew how
he was when I married him thirty years ago. Gambling seemed a small price to
pay to be with him. He makes me feel like I’m everything, like I’m special.”
    “But it doesn’t last,” Sharon
said, sitting down at the kitchen table. “How many times have you told me he
disappears for days into a card game, and then comes home angry, owing more
money than before?”
    “Sometimes he wins,” Claire said.
“He’s just had so much bad luck since he lost his job six months ago.”
    “Some people make their own bad
luck. Thank goodness your three children are grown and out of the house. They
don’t have to go through this anymore. Listen, maybe we can lend you some money
and you could stay.”
    “No, Ron wouldn’t let us take
money from you.”
    “Too much pride.” Sharon said the
words as if they were a curse.
    “Please, Sharon “
    “I’m sorry. It’s just that nobody
listens to me like you do. You know what I mean even when I can’t explain. I’m
going to miss you.” She threw her arms around Claire and started to cry.
    “I’ll miss you, too,” Claire
whispered, gently patting Sharon’s back. Tears filled her eyes. Sharon cried
with her whole body, like a child.
    After a few minutes Claire pulled
away and stood at the sink with her back to Sharon. She felt more comfortable
in Sharon’s kitchen than in her own.

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