Honeymoon from Hell III

Read Online Honeymoon from Hell III by R.L. Mathewson - Free Book Online

Book: Honeymoon from Hell III by R.L. Mathewson Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.L. Mathewson
Tags: rl mathewson chronicles, rl mathewson, checkmate, neighbor from hell series
resisting the urge to look up and see if the
assholes he’d enjoyed torturing over the past week were buying this
line of bullshit.
    “ But, we just got married,”
Rory whispered softly, sounding hurt as she entwined her fingers
with his and looked up, sending him a look that would have normally
had his stomach twisting and his heart breaking, but the discrete
little caress she ran over the back of his hand with her thumb let
him know that she was on board with whatever he had
    “ I know and I’m sorry,” he
said, dropping her hand and pulled her into a hug, kissing the top
of her head as he held her tight. “I’ll make it up to you. I
    “ When do you have to
leave,” she asked, sounding a little distracted and drawing his
attention to the fact that her attention was now on the cup of
cocoa that he’d left on the counter and damn near making him roll
his eyes, because the little addict was seconds away from giving
them away for a second hit of cocoa.
    They really needed to find a twelve step
program for her, he mused as he pulled back so that he could brush
his lips on her forehead and try to get her to focus, because if
she didn’t they’d end up with a houseful of assholes with
absolutely no way of getting rid of them. He needed to get rid of
them so that they could make their escape and he could comfortably
spend the next two weeks lying between her legs and making his cock
extremely happy. Before he could do any of that, and his cock was
definitely on board with where this plan was heading, he needed to
convince these bastards to leave them alone.
    Then they were going to make a run for it,
because if there was one thing that he knew about the James boys,
it was that they would do whatever it took to keep her safe, even
from a bullshit story passed down from generation to generation
meant to warn them away from the dangers of taking a honeymoon
before the year mark. If he tried to take her now, they’d attempt
another “talk,” which he was ninety percent positive that he could
get out of again.
    That wasn’t the problem. The problem was
that he didn’t want to waste another week on her brothers and
cousins. He wanted to spend the next two weeks with his wife,
savoring the fact that she was his before their schedules filled up
with more work than they could handle and finding time to be
together took effort. He’d do whatever he could to be with her.
That wasn’t the problem. He didn’t care if he had to sneak in some
time at lunch, or on the way to give an estimate for a job, or just
holding her in his arms and falling asleep on the porch because he
was too damn tired to do anything more, he’d savor every single
minute with her.
    But the idea of two straight weeks of Rory
in his arms with absolutely no interruptions was too tempting to
pass up. Just thinking about making love to her any time he wanted
to, had his cock hardening and had him licking his lips in
anticipation, because the first thing that he was going to do to
her was-
    “ So, you’re going to be out
of town for two weeks?” Trevor asked, sharing a relieved look with
his brothers as he did his best to play it cool.
    “ I’m afraid so,” he said,
pulling back to give Rory a sad smile. “I’ll hurry back as fast as
I can.”
    She bit her lip as her eyes watered and for
the first time since he was eight and she’d taught herself that
little trick, he was more than happy that she was using it on
    Until she went a little too far…
    “ I-I’m going t-to m-miss
you,” she said, softly sobbing as she wrapped her arms around
herself and stepped closer, but not towards him.
    Oh no, not his hot chocolate addicted
    She took a step closer to his abandoned hot
cocoa, picked it up with a sniffle and took a sip, which
unfortunately was followed by a pleased little sigh as every man in
the room rolled their eyes and went for him.
    Oh, she was going to pay for this betrayal,
he decided as he was taken to the

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