Highland Revenge (Fated Hearts Book 1)

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Book: Highland Revenge (Fated Hearts Book 1) by Ceci Giltenan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ceci Giltenan
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to tell her that, to swear to protect her forever, but somehow, after all he had done, it sounded hollow even to him. She has Bram Sutherland , a wicked voice inside him goaded. He had to find out. “Tell me about the betrothal. Do ye like Bram Sutherland? Do ye want to marry him?”
    “I don’t really know him. I have met him in the past, but only briefly. He is handsome, but that’s not much to know about a person. Uncle Bhaltair was sending me there to live for a while so we could become better acquainted.”
    “I don’t know him well either. The Sutherland holding borders ours on the east. Laird Sutherland and I are not feuding, but neither are we close allies. Yer uncle suggested that I send a message to him and address the issue of a ransom.”
    “They aren’t likely to pay are they? I wasn’t under their protection when all of this happened.”
    “I don’t know, Fiona. Let’s wait and see.”
    She nodded.
    “Until then, I don’t want to cause ye more pain by keeping ye locked up as a prisoner. I promise I will see that no harm comes to ye. If I give ye free run of Naomh-dùn, will ye promise not to try to escape?”
    “If I am not yer prisoner, what am I?”
    “My guest.”
    She arched an eyebrow. “Guests don’t promise not to leave.”
    “I suppose they don’t. But ye must realize, given what yer uncle has done and with yer brother missing, ye’re safer here under my protection than anywhere else.”
    “I’m not sure that’s completely true, but as I have nowhere else to go anyway, ye have my promise.”
    He rose to leave. “Rest here for a while. I will have a room prepared for ye on one of the lower floors and send a maid for ye when it is ready.” She nodded again. What he did next shocked him more than the jealousy he felt at seeing her in Tasgall’s arms or imagining her married to Bram Sutherland. He kissed her forehead. “Ye’ll be all right, Fiona. I swear I’ll keep ye from harm.”
    ~ * ~
    Later he tried to convince himself that the kiss meant nothing. He was only showing her brotherly concern. After all, he owed her that; she had no family to care for her. Still, this didn’t quite explain why he hesitated to send a ransom demand to Sutherland.
    As promised, he had her installed in the chamber next to Anna’s. It was on the same corridor where all the family members’ private chambers were located—directly across from his rooms. He also made it clear to his clan that she was to be treated as an honored guest. While initially that order might have been necessary, because mistrust and hatred for the MacNicols ran deep, soon his people practically tripped over themselves to see that Fiona MacNicol was comfortable. As it turned out, although he tried to keep it secret to protect her from her uncle in the future, word that she had played some role in his escape spread rapidly. Anna, who had been her champion from the start, practically attached herself to Fiona’s side, ensuring that her every need was met.
    Eoin tried to keep his distance, but it was in vain. He felt inextricably drawn to her. As hard as he tried to ignore her, if she was anywhere in his vicinity, his eyes followed her. She was truly beautiful. Now that she was eating well again, the roses were back in her cheeks. Her black curls contrasted with her smooth, fair skin, and while he could always sense an air of sadness around her, her eyes had lost their haunted look. He found himself wishing he could banish that sadness. Perhaps there was a way.

    After her status changed from prisoner to guest, Fiona began to feel a bit more comfortable with the MacKays. She had trouble imagining that one Highland keep could be so very different from another, but it didn’t take long to realize that Naomh-dùn was not remotely like her home. Castle MacNicol was well-run and orderly. Uncle Bhaltair would tolerate no less. While Naomh-dùn seemed to be well run, it was also a cacophony of disorder. It was filled with

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