Heaven Sent

Read Online Heaven Sent by Mahalia Levey - Free Book Online

Book: Heaven Sent by Mahalia Levey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mahalia Levey
so…it’s only right you give me a
    “So wrong on so many levels. Don’t try any funny
    “Oh my God woman, just show me already. We’ve already been through the
lesbian stage in life. No worries.”
    Mia set her food down on the coffee table and undid the belt on her robe.
    “Wow she is definitely inventive.”
    “I know, right. I took a look in the mirror and had to look again. Thank
you for the massage, and oddly for this. I feel like a total new woman.”
    “I knew I should’ve bought you a vibrator for Christmas last year.” Sinclaire resumed eating and Mia followed suit.
    “Would’ve been a waste of your money. I’ve never used one of those and after Connor, whose face would I have
gotten off to?” Dire’s face came to mind, bringing a
warm flush to her cheeks.
    “Some hot dude from television. Porn on the internet. No wait, I forgot you don’t watch porn.” Sinclaire waggled her eyes.
    “Why are you always so hot to trot?” Mia couldn’t keep up with Sinclaire’s little pink book. “Wild
woman.” She envied Sinclaire’s comfort with
her sexuality, whereas she was more private. Except for that
one time in college. She pulled out the envelope tucked in her robe pocket, she’d placed Sinclaire’s present
there earlier so she wouldn’t have to get up. “For you.”
    Her best friend tore the flap open. “ Ohhh . You naughty woman. Did you actually go in the store to get this?”
    “Ha. Not. Internet ordering is the way to go.” Mia took a sip of her
latte. “Enjoy.”
    “You know I will. Thanks, there’s a new toy I’ve wanted for some time.
This will do perfectly.”
    “Maybe you should get a good man and keep him around.” Mia thought her
suggestion had merit. Her friend’s commitment issues rivaled her own, yet she
wasn’t a widow.
    “I’m thinking about getting back into the market after seeing the sparks
fly between you and Dire. He has a couple of hot single guys I wouldn’t mind
trying on.”
    Mia laughed. “They’re not a comfortable pair of shoes to decide between.
I wonder—”
    Sinclaire’s expression stopped her sentence from
being voiced. In her mind, she worried if Dire and his team were okay.
    “Hey, we were doing good . Stop obsessing over
something you have no control over. What did Connor used to say to you?
    “No worries. He’d see me on the other side if the worst happened.”
    “He prepared you to be okay without him, not to spend the rest of your
life without someone else to love. Let him give you the strength to allow
yourself some happiness.”
    “The danger is so high.”
    “Wasn’t the danger higher when he pulled you out of that car? Think about
this. He’s been a firefighter for years and out of the many lives he saved, he
picked you. You picked each other or fate stuck you together. You know I’m all
about signs and that is one heck of a neon blinker.”
    If Sinclaire started spouting about cosmic
energies and the universe she’d lose it. Mia didn’t want to hear about how
perfect Dire was for her or the rightness of them she felt down in the marrow
of her bones.
    “You watch too much television or read too many books to believe in all
of that. I have Ashland to think about, maybe Dire and I should be friends.”
    “I call bullshit. You could no more be just friends with him, than he with you. Better yet, I dare you to
say that to him and see what his response is. Do you honestly think you could
be around him on his days off or see him with another woman and not want to
strike her dead?” Sinclaire polished off her food and
sat back, arms crossed.
    Her dearest friend knew her well. “I don’t know. Probably.” The thought of him with another woman killed her, made her want to writhe in
physical agony. “No.”
    “Then you have some thinking to do. I’ll let myself out. And Mia, no television.”

    * * * *

    Darkness fell early in the evening. Mia sipped a cup of hot cocoa

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