Heart of Steel (Demon Riders MC Book 2)

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Book: Heart of Steel (Demon Riders MC Book 2) by Evelyn Glass Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evelyn Glass
unceremoniously onto the floor.  Then, he pulls her back towards him again, as if he can’t be apart from her for more than a few seconds.  She knows the feeling. All she wants is him; all she needs is him.
    Dane’s hands are working their way down the buttons of her shirt.  He fumbles with the penultimate one and curses at the delay.  Impatient, he pulls the rest of the fabric apart and two buttons fall to the floor, but there’s no time to think about that as he pushes the shirt over her shoulders.  It doesn’t even reach the ground before his mouth has closed over the fabric of her bra, making her moan.  He reaches behind her, unhooking her bra with practiced ease that she didn’t want to think about now, or ever.  His mouth on her body is making it impossible to follow any train of thought other than how good his mouth feels against her.  He suckles at her nipples, making her arch against him.  But she needs more, so much more than just his mouth. 
    Elyse’s hands find the button of his jeans, and she pulls, needing to feel him against her.  In an answering growl, Dane grabs hold of Elyse’s ass, pressing her against his arousal, making her squirm in anticipation, in need.  He shucks up her skirt so it’s around her hips, exposing her to him.
    “Hold on.”  His voice is a commanding growl, and she obeys without even thinking twice about it, wrapping her arms around his neck.  He lifts her up. Automatically, she encircles his waist with her legs, kissing his jawline, his mouth, breathing in the scent of him, as he carries her over to the bonnet of the car he’d been working on and sits her down on top of it.  He kisses her hard, greedily, his eyes dark and full of need.
    He slides his hand along her inner thigh, making her body tingle.  “Stockings.”  He groans the word out, as if it were the sexiest thing he’s ever seen.  Just as he’s about to reach the apex of her thighs, his hand stills and he watches her expectantly.  Elyse moans and wriggles against him, desperate for his touch.
    “Dane, please.” Her voice is a plea, and she twists underneath him, grabbing his waist to bring him closer to her, but he stands fast, enjoying the teasing.
    “Please what, Elyse?”  He says her name in that silky way of his, and it makes her even wetter.
    “Please, Dane, touch me.”  Her voice is strangled, as she looks up at him, licking her lips and watching as his eyes flare with arousal.
    “Please is good, Elyse, very polite.”  His fingers draw small circles over the soft skin of her inner thigh, edging closer to the hot pool of need between her legs.  “Is this what you want?”  His fingertips brush the lacy material of her thong, and he takes in a breath as he feels her.  “You’re so wet, Elyse.”  He says the words reverently, his voice strangled, and Elyse knows that he’s hanging on by a thread, that he needs this as much as she does, that he’s missed this as much as she has.
    “I’ve been thinking about you.”  Elyse’s breath comes in short gasps.  Her heart is pounding so hard she feels like she can’t quite catch her breath.
    “Oh baby, I was hoping you’d say that.”  Dane’s voice is a low growl, as he roughly pushes the material of her panties to one side and plunges his fingers inside of her. 
    Elyse cries out as his thumb circles the sensitive nub of her pussy, his fingers pumping into her at the same time.  She grips hard onto his shoulders, helpless to do anything else but hold on for the ride.
    “Come on, Elyse. I want to see you.  Come for me.”  Dane’s fingers slide over her wetness, pushing her on, leading her towards her climax.  Elyse throws her head back and cries out, letting go as she rides the wave of her pleasure.
    Consciousness slowly seeps its way back into her.  But Dane is far from finished.  He looks down at her, breathing hard, his eyes full of intent.  She swallows

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