Heart of Steel (Demon Riders MC Book 2)

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Book: Heart of Steel (Demon Riders MC Book 2) by Evelyn Glass Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evelyn Glass
hard, watching him, his fingers wet with her pleasure, unbuttoning his jeans and letting them drop, along with his boxers.
    Greedily, she reaches out to take his length in her hand, twisting and tugging him gently, watching as his eyes flutter closed as he tries to regain some composure.  He plants his hands on the bonnet of the car on either side of her, his chest rising and falling in shallow breaths.
    Elyse finds his mouth, giving him a hot, open-mouthed kiss, probing with her tongue.  She’s rewarded by his hands taking hold of her butt and shuffling her further towards him.  With a growl, he reaches down and pulls off her soaked panties.  Elyse looks up at him, want burning in her eyes, and licks her lips as she takes his shaft and guides it towards her opening.  Impatiently, Dane pushes her skirt up higher, so that he can see them join together and the thought of that is almost enough to send Elyse into another spasm of pleasure.  Abruptly, Dane grabs hold of her hips and pulls her hard towards him, plunging into her all at once.
    Elyse gasps in surprise as he fills her up.  She holds onto him, as he slams into her.  He is moving inside of her, as Elyse lifts her hips, wrapping her ankles around his waist, bringing him even closer to her so that he can get deeper.  He smashes into her again and again. His thrusts become harder and faster, sweat springing out on his muscular chest at the effort, not only of the movement but also of holding himself in check.
    “Don’t stop.”  Elyse’s voice is a plea, as she feels herself building up again towards the top of the rollercoaster.
    “I couldn’t if I wanted to, ‘Lyse.”  He whispers in her ear, and his voice is so low and sensual that she feels it deep inside of her.
    He thrusts into her again and again and the heat in Elyse’s belly spreads out through her body, making her feel as if there’s a furnace inside of her that needs to be quenched.  “Dane, harder.” She’s moans loudly as he picks up the pace, plunging into her, giving her exactly what she needs, taking her up to the crest of the wave.  She cries out, as she tips over the edge, biting his shoulder hard as she climaxes.
    A few seconds later, Dane reaches his own peak, thrusting into her one last time before his whole body tenses and his head rears back, the muscles in his arms and chest tight.  He groans deeply, a vibration that she feels inside of her where they’re joined, and falls against her, his head against her chest. 

    Elyse wraps her arms around him, holding him in place, listening as their breathing slowly returns to normal.  Dane pulls away slightly so that he can look at her appreciatively.  “I wanted to have you on top of this car from the second you walked in here.”  His voice is husky, as if he’s just woken up, and that’s exactly how Elyse feels, like in the days that they had been apart she had been sleeping and only now was she fully awake again.
    She smiles sexily at him, running her fingers along his stubbly jaw and just admiring the gorgeousness of him, and then her face turns serious.  “I never meant to hurt you, Dane.  The thing with the article—that started before I’d even met you.  And then when I got to know you, it was like everything else seemed less important.  I didn’t tell you about being a reporter because I didn’t want you to look at me differently, for you to feel differently about me.” She looks down, suddenly nervous despite the intimacy that they’d just shared.  “I don’t know how to make it right.”
    Dane hooks his finger underneath her chin and lifts it up so that she meets his eyes.  “Promise me that you won’t lie to me again.  Ever.”
    Elyse swallows hard, knowing that she’s promising something huge.  But it’s something that Dane desperately needs.  He’s been let down so many times and has had so few people in his life that he

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