Hard Rock Unrehearsed

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Book: Hard Rock Unrehearsed by Rene Van Dalen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rene Van Dalen
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and Jade fell deeply in love with the group of people she worked with.  There were tough times because crap about her constantly hit the tabloids.  Luckily the guys stood one hundred percent behind her and faced the media alongside her to refute the stories that seemed to only get worse and worse.  Diego had a task team out trying to find the source of the stories but so far had had no luck.  The tabloid press kept their mouths shut as to who was supplying them with the shit.
    Some of it hit pretty close to home though.  It was hinted that she had had a relationship with a famous rock star and that she had used him and cast him aside once she got what she wanted.  If they only knew!  Val had been the centre of her universe, the one person she had been totally honest with and who had understood her fucked up family dynamic.  Some nights Jade felt like grabbing a bottle of Vodka and letting the world go to shit!  Instinctively she knew this was how Richie had felt and how he had gotten onto the road he had travelled.  Thinking of Richie strengthened her and she gritted her teeth and faced the shit head on.  And Diego treating her like his little sister didn’t make it any easier either.  Every time she saw him tingles started in secret places!  That was until she remembered the Vincent slut and it quickly disappeared to be replaced by rage.
    Insomnia started to haunt her nights and she paced the hotel rooms and then the corridors.  Tag sat on the floor outside their rooms as she paced and watched her as she slowly spiralled into the place she had been in after Val had been killed.  She was again pacing like a caged animal when he had had enough and dragged her into the lift and took them down to the foyer.  He made her wait in the dark as he spoke to the night manger and then he was leading her into a small room with a piano.
    “If you’re going to keep us both awake you should at least supply the music.”  He griped as he plonked her down on the seat then lay down on the floor next to the piano with a put upon sigh.  She grinned down at him as she started to play.
    That became their routine when she couldn’t sleep.  As soon as they arrived Tag made arrangements for her to use the piano in which ever hotel they were in.  She found that if she played for a few hours she was tired enough to attempt to sleep.  Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t, when it didn’t she paced.  Luckily her sleeplessness didn’t impact her playing and the band was never aware of her battle with the sleep demon.
    They were at the end of the third week when Jade’s carefully constructed world received a hit that caused it to wobble on its foundation.  Her pacing had become so consuming that she had started to use both the floors the band and crew were on in the hotel to walk herself into a stupor so that she could sleep.
    She was coming down the corridor when Diego’s door opened, he and Marcella ‘the slut’ Vincent stood in the open door kissing as if they wanted to slide down into each other’s throats.  Diego had one hand on her ass the other was holding her shoulder while Marcella’s hand was blatantly curved around his junk.  Neither of them realised that they had an audience until Tag cleared his throat loudly.  They slowly moved apart and Diego’s eyes widened slightly as he realised that Jade and Tag had been there ever since he had opened the door.  The shock and disgust in Jade’s eyes ripped through him and he attacked.
    “What the fuck are you doing in the corridor this time of the night?”  He snarled at her.
    Jade ignored him, ignored the slut and walked away down the corridor.
    “Jay I asked you a question!”  He called out.
    “Fuck you Delgado!  You’re not my keeper!”  She shouted back over her shoulder as she threw him a double middle finger salute and disappeared up the stairway.
    “You fucked up Delgado.  Broke the rules.  Again.”  Tag snarled softly as he pushed past

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