straining my ears. I listened for running water. Anything to serve as evidence of what direction the river was in, but I heard nothing.
I sighed. I was going to die. Either the poison running through my veins would kill me, or someone or something else would. This was hopeless. I wasn’t exactly an outdoor survival expert, and I was going to need to be one if I wanted to make it to Icentris.
I thought about all the times I’d complained about the lack of public transportation in Charleston. At least we had cabs there. I wasn’t going to find anything like that in these woods.
With no idea of what direction was the right one, I picked one that seemed to lead in the opposite direction of the tower. James had put way too much faith in my sense of direction.
It got darker and darker until I could see almost nothing in front of me. I wrapped my arms around myself wondering if I’d made a mistake. Maybe it would have been better to stay. The only thing I had going for me now was that the haze had lifted. Just like the voice had said. I really was crazy. I was trusting voices in my head. But then again everything in my life was hard to believe.
Including James. Yet I’d just had sex with him. Again. My body had a mind of its own. That was the only reason I’d fallen into bed with him again. My body warmed thinking about it. Great. Now I was stuck and lost in the woods and in the mood for him. I needed to stop. I had to clear my mind and forget about James and those needs until I was in a safer place. But how could I even trust James? One minute he was promising he’d never leave my side, and the next he was telling me to run. That and the fact he claimed he’d been taken over by his father’s darkness. I was so confused it wasn’t even funny. And now I could add being lost to that list.
I walked into a small clearing and sat down on a large boulder. I closed my eyes. No thoughts of James I repeated to myself. I opened my eyes, stood, and continued walking in a direction I hoped was right. My ankle got snarled in something and I panicked. I reached down at my ankle expecting to find an iron clad root wrapped around me. I didn’t. Instead I found only a vine. I pulled it off. It wasn’t a crazy moving tree.
I walked until I reached another clearing. This one also had large boulder. It jutted out in exactly the same way as the one I’d sat on before. That was it. I was going in circles. It was the same boulder in the same clearing. I fell to my knees in the dirt. Giving up wasn’t going to help me but walking in circles wasn’t either.
The sound of approaching hooves had me back on my feet. I dashed behind a tree, but I realized that wasn’t going to help. Whoever it was could probably see far better than I could.
The hooves stopped.
“You can come out now. I will not hurt you,” an unfamiliar male voice called. My heart beat a million miles a minute. The voice sounded friendly enough, but it was a stranger in the middle of dark woods in Energo. He couldn’t be too welcoming.
“Come on, now. It is late and these woods are no place for you.”
I said nothing, not sure if I would be better off if the guy found me or not.
“Fine then. I will get you myself.”
I hurried away in the direction I thought was the opposite of the voice, but something grabbed my shoulder.
I froze before my body was turned around, and I squinted through the darkness to see the figure in front of me.
“I told you not to be afraid.” The man’s face was hidden in the shadows, but he looked human in size and shape.
“Who are you?” I asked in the strongest voice I could muster, and it wasn’t a particularly strong one.
“Elron. And who are you?”
I answered without thinking. “Ainsley.”
“And why are you in these woods?” There was concern in is voice, and I hoped that would work to my advantage.
“I am trying to find Icentris?” I asked almost as a question.
“Icentris?” He asked with surprise. “Why in
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