and she wanted to spit snakes it made her so furious! She was also starting to feel guilty. He didn’t know why she hated the slut so much and she couldn’t blame him if he didn’t understand her resentment. Diego had always been there for her and she missed the easy way they had always had with each other. She knew that she would have to talk to him at some stage but she wanted the time to be right. It troubled her that she kept her identity a secret from the band, it became more and more difficult to keep from blurting out things from her past that would make it obvious she hadn’t been honest with them. When they all relaxed together talking about when they had started playing and how they got their first break it was a minefield she had to take care to negotiate.
She wanted to be open and honest with the guys. She wanted to tell them who she really was. She would have asked Luis’s opinion but he had flown out to LA to talk with the executives at the band’s label and she didn’t know when he would be back. Therefore she had to make the decision on her own. She was going to do it, the guys deserved the truth. She just had to choose the time carefully.
Tag was twisted up with anger as he strode towards his destination. He was pissed that they still hadn’t found the fucker who was selling the shit to the tabloids which had Jay-Jay withdrawing deeper and deeper into herself. No one seemed to notice that Jay-Jay was slowly losing it. She hardly ate and sleep had become a dirty word. If fuckin’ Diego Delgado would just get his head out of his ass and step up to the plate it would solve a fuckload of problems! He walked faster and swore silently as he approached the door of the very discreet club where he had an appointment to work out his frustrations. If only it could have been this easy for Jay-Jay. Even Luis didn’t know all of the shit that had gone down with the fuckin’ slut and Val and how it had almost broken Val and Jay-Jay apart. If it hadn’t been for the security cameras he had installed in the apartment Val would have had no way to prove he hadn’t fucked that slut! Jesus he fuckin’ hated that bitch!
Tag sucked in a breath as he pressed the buzzer that would let him into the world where he could let go and put the shit behind him for an hour or two.
“I’m unhappy we haven’t been able to crack the asshole who keeps on uploading the shit about Jay on the web." Clint growled. "We’re getting close though. My guy said he is so close that the minute the bastard logs on to post some more shit we will be closer to having him. We’ll degrade his site once we get in.”
Diego listened as his friend explained the intricacies of tracking this shit on the internet and finding the bastard who was doing it. The shit had gone from being printed in the tabloids which they had shut down to now being blasted all over the internet. The posts were becoming more and more disturbing and Diego could see that it was hitting Jade hard. She pretended that it didn’t matter but he knew better. The crap that was being said about her wasn’t only defamatory it bordered on physical threats. Whoever was doing this was escalating. He had to find them and stop them cold.
“The worrying thing is that the shit is becoming threatening and you know as well as what I do that this is someone who has hated her for a very long time. He knows too much about her Diego, between all the shit there’s stuff that points to the fact that she has been watched for years. This bastard is waiting for something and if we miss it he’s going to destroy her literally and figuratively.”
Diego clenched his teeth to contain the anger that wanted to erupt. “I’m not going to allow this sick fuck to do anything to her Clint. You keep on this and I’ll fuckin’ weld myself to her back if I have to. Between Tag and I we’ll
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