Grayslake: More than Mated: Waking the Bear (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Book: Grayslake: More than Mated: Waking the Bear (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Ruby Shae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ruby Shae
and then he linked his thumbs in the bands of both her shorts and panties, and pushed both down her legs. When the fabric hit the floor, he helped free her completely from the items, and added them to the pile.
    She could feel his breath on her skin as he slowly stood, and then again when he leaned in for a scorching hot kiss. It was better than their first kiss because neither wondered what the other wanted, and by the time they separated, they were both breathing heavy.
    Tad grabbed a towel from a cabinet hidden in the wall, and spread it out over the puddles covering the floor. He led her back into the shower, grabbed the soap, and proceeded to caress every imperfect inch of her skin.
    “You are so beautiful,” he said, palming her breasts.
    He gently flicked his thumbs over her nipples, and she grabbed the partition in an effort to stay upright. When he reached her generous belly, she forced herself not to flinch as he smoothed his hands over every hill and valley.
    “Mmm…all mine,” he said, kissing her belly button.
    He moved lower, and when he slid his hand between her legs, fire raced to her core from every nerve ending. She opened her stance, silently begging for more, but he continued caressing her legs all the way down to her toes.
    When she didn’t think she could take any more teasing, he lifted one of the massaging shower heads out of its holder, and rinsed the soap off of every part of her body. When he reached the aching bundle of nerves between her legs, he turned the dial on the massager, and then held the pulsing water directly over her clit.
    She spread her legs even further apart, and he slid a finger into her pussy. Her answering moan was met with another finger, and then another.
    Audrey let go of the partition, grabbed her heavy, sensitive breasts, and started rolling her hard nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. Her moans echoed around the room, and her pussy throbbed wildly around his fingers.
    “Tad, please,” she begged. “I’m going to come.”
    He pulled his fingers out of her cunt, and dropped the shower head. She didn’t have time to mourn the loss of his touch, because he lifted her up against the wall, and slammed his cock deep in one powerful thrust.
    The cry she made didn’t sound human, and he immediately stilled.
    “Are you okay?” he worried.
    “Hell, yes,” she sighed. “Fuck me, Tad.”
    He held her up easily as he moved his dick in and out of her pussy, and Audrey lost count of how many times she came. Multiple orgasms had never been something she’d been able to experience, but she wasn’t about to complain.
    Tad reached between them, pressed his thumb against her pussy, and she felt his cock start to throb. He moved his hips faster, until both of their cries filled the air, and then he sank his canines into the juncture between her neck and shoulder. His bite sent another orgasm spiraling through her, and he stayed buried deep inside her core as she came again.
    They stayed joined together until their breathing resembled something normal, and then Tad shut off the water, and carried her to the bed.
    She’d found out from Declan that bear shifters had a strong urge to hibernate, which explained all of Tad’s alarm clocks, so she wasn’t surprised when he fell asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow.
    Audrey was exhausted, too, but sleep came slower for her.
    Probably because she was making a mental list of all the fun, sexy things she could do to try and wake her bear.
    It was a long list, but luckily, she had a lifetime to get through it.
    The End

About the Author
    I’m a USA Today Bestselling Author of sizzling, sexy, shifter romance.
    Until I find my own tall, muscle bound, alpha shifter…I’ll keep writing about them.
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