Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasms

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Book: Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasms by David Shade Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Shade
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as they would to stop a stream of urine. And then when they have their orgasm, the PC muscle is so tightened up, that the ejaculate cannot be expelled down the urethra, so it is forced up the urethra into the bladder. This is why many women feel that they have to pee after having sex. It is because the ejaculate has been forced into the bladder.
    For a woman to ejaculate, the woman pushes at the time of orgasm, as if to defecate, and a clear fluid is expelled out the urethra. This fluid has been described as colorless, clear, or milky. It has never been described as yellow. The taste varies from tangy, sour, tart, to very sweet. Some women always ejaculate, others sometimes. The majority of women who regularly ejaculate do so in response to G spot manipulation. Some can in intercourse, and some can with only clitoral stimulation.
    But most women do not ejaculate because they have trained their body not to “pee” at the time of orgasm.
    If your woman tells you that after every time you two make love, she has to go pee, then say to her: “Well Baby, that is because you have been withholding your ejaculate.” She will probably laugh and refuse to believe it.
    Explain to your woman that female ejaculation is normal and natural. Read to her the book called “The G Spot and Other Discoveries About Human Sexuality” by Ladas, Whipple, and Perry.
    Copyright 1982. ISBN 0-440-13040-9. The book is a highly respected explanation of female ejaculation.
    You can also show her the video called “Squirters 2.” It is by a pornographer named Seymore Butts. Sure, it is a porn video, but it will show you what is possible, and how far some women can squirt.
    The biggest obstacle to get over is her self consciousness that she will urinate. It is very important that you have her understand that it is not urine, but that it is female ejaculate, and that female ejaculation is completely normal and natural.
    The motivation you give her is that it would be very exciting for you if she were to soak your bed! She will be concerned about getting the bed all wet, but you must reassure her that it would be very exciting for you. This is not about you accomplishing some feat, but about her expressing her sexuality in a completely natural way.
    In order that you cause her to ejaculate, you must command respect with her. You will be giving her commands to do something that for her seems very strange. Thus, her respect for what you say must override her own self consciousness and self limiting beliefs.
    Ask your woman: “When you get close, do you feel the urge to urinate?" If she says: “Yes, so I hold it in.” Then say to her: “You are holding in your ejaculate. Next time go with the feeling and push it out.” If she says: “But I don't want to pee on you!” Then you say: “It only feels like you are going to pee. But you won't pee, you will ejaculate.”
    As always, assure her that everything is natural and normal, and nothing is embarrassing.
    Now for the first step in getting her to squirt.

Tell her to “push”
    Before you begin, tell her to go empty her bladder. This will help to reduce her fears that she will pee on you.
    Then get her comfortable on the bed. You will use stimulation of her deep spot. Do not do this in intercourse yet. First do this when you digitally stimulate her (with your fingers.) You have to be able to talk to her and lead her.
    Some would say to use stimulation of her G spot. My experience has been that women have responded more powerfully to deep spot stimulation, but if your woman responds well to G spot stimulation, use that.
    She must follow your commands without embarrassment. Massage the front of her deep spot, and say: “You are going to feel an increasing urge to pee. The closer you get, the more you will feel the need to pee. But it is not pee, it is ejaculate. It is not your bladder, it is your Skene glands. You will welcome this feeling, and you will push it out. If any thought tries to stop it, you

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