G-Men: The Series

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Book: G-Men: The Series by Andrea Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrea Smith
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dude make me feel like trash? But he had. I was certain he hadn’t meant to, but at the moment, it was how I felt. I also felt out of sorts with my departure. I realized it was when he said we were “done here.” What had that meant?
    I quickly banished those thoughts from my mind. What the hell did it matter? I was certainly not going to get involved with some young biker. I headed into the dressing room as Margo was finishing up with Jade.
    “Need a touch up, hon?”
    I nodded, too frazzled by the brief time I’d spent one-on-one with Slate to try and make small talk with Margo.
    “I saw you out there with the hottie biker,” she said, as I took the chair that Jade had just left. “I poked my head out when I knew your number was up to see who your admirer was. Just so you know, I can be nosy that way with dancers that I care about.”
    I eyed her warily. I couldn’t help but smile when I saw the way she fussed over me like a mother hen. We had to be around the same age.
    “Is he a regular here?” I asked.
    “I wouldn’t say that. I’ve seen him in here before, though. He just started hanging around with the others, I don’t know, maybe around last spring, I guess. The dancers here sure are crazy about him, especially Garnet. I think the old Diamond used to hang with the bikers before she was fired. Hell, that was probably her downfall. She started living a different life after she got involved with Slash.”
    “Who’s Slash ?”
    “I think his real name’s Jamie. He’s one of the Outlaws, been in the club for a while. He took to the previous Diamond. He still comes in with the others sometimes. I think he’s one of the higher-ups in the Indy club. He acted like he owned her. That was her fault for letting it happen. I know he used to take her tips from her, the lazy son-of-a-bitch. Then he used to bruise her up nicely, if he thought she was dancing too provocatively for one of the customers. That girl was in a no-win situation. Janine banned them all from here for a while. She lifted the ban once she fired Diamond. She won’t stand for any of the dancers getting involved with that bunch, though.”
    “I don’t intend to get involved with anyone ,” I said to her bluntly.
    “This is the first time I’ve seen him ask for a private drink with any of the dancers, though. He might have plans for you.”
    “Please, Margo. He’s got to be a twenty-something biker. What could he possibly want with me?”
    “Hmm, that’s a tough one. Couldn’t be your looks or your body. I bet it’s your money he’s after,” she said, snickering loudly. “Yeah, that must be it.”
    I gave her my version of a dirty look. I wasn’t especially good at those yet. I was still learning.
    “Bikers around here are bad news, Diamond, even after hours. I don’t think you’re the type to fit in with that group. I’m no expert, but I’ve done enough time in clubs like this to know a little something. I don’t see you as a biker bitch, not even for someone as hot as Slate. He seems to have earned the respect of his colleagues, but I’ve heard stories about how bikers treat their chicks, you know? Pass them around to their buddies, discipline them in violent ways. Of course, maybe I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know, by the looks of that eye. Did a biker do that to you?”
    “Of course not, Margo. Damn, give me some credit, please.”
    “I’ll be glad to, darlin’ just as soon as you tell me that whoever gave you that shiner is missing a gonad.”
    I lowered my eyes from her expectant gaze. Now, I was not only feeling like a piece of trash, but a pitiful one at that.
    “There, finished,” she said, spinning the chair around so that I could see the repair job.
    “Thanks, Margo,” I replied, softly. “Hey, don’t worry about me. I don’t intend to let it happen again.”
    “That’s my girl,” she said, smiling for the first time at me this evening.

chapter 9
    I hadn’t seen Slate on

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