Frost Kisses (Bitter Frost #4: Frost Series)

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Book: Frost Kisses (Bitter Frost #4: Frost Series) by Kailin Gow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kailin Gow
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    “I can’t get enough of your kisses, Kian,” I sighed into his chest.
    “I wouldn’t mind showing you how frost kisses are done again,” Kian said so low and deep, so softly that I leaned in closer to hear him. As I leaned in close, he grabbed my arms and pulled me into an embrace that had every part of me against him. I felt his heartbeat against my ear, and I felt his cool breath against my hair.
    “I promise you, Breena,” said Kian. “For you and for my family – for everyone I love – this war has got to end. And we will be together at last…you will be by my side forever my queen, and I will be by yours forever your king!”
    He led me to my horse and helped me into the saddle before jumping on alongside me. He wrapped his arms tightly around me, kissing the back of my neck as he stroked my hair out of my face. His touch was light and soft; I never wanted to leave it. “With my life, Breena,” he was murmuring into my neck. “The future is ours!”
    I gave the horse a light kick and then we were off, galloping through the fields and forests of the mountainside, coming closer and closer to the fairy lands.

    Chapter 9
    W e rode for hours, galloping and trotting over unfamiliar rivers and through high mountain passes, trying to find our way out of the pixie dominions. At last the landscape began to change – the trees became lusher, more beautiful; the animals of the wood began to stop and stare at us with preternatural intelligence. We were in fairy territory; Kian and I both felt the call of its magic in our blood as the cold, barren world of the pixie kingdom gave way to the rich red forests and beautiful arctic snowdrifts of the Autumn Lands, where Summer technically had power, but where plenty of Winter magic remained.
    “How long have I been gone,” I asked Kian as we rode through a forest of flame-colored trees. “How long have they thought me dead?”
    “Evenings and mornings have run together since I lost you, Breena,” Kian sighed. “But I'd guess it would be about seven days in your world – long enough for chaos to start.”
    “Then I need to get back right away,” I said. “I need to get to the Summer Kingdom, to make sure everyone knows I'm alive.”
    We passed the Autumn lands, so majestic in their fertile beauty, and began riding through more familiar territory. I knew these hills – so ripe with autumn fruits and vegetables: pumpkins, squash and gourds all grew the size of boulders here, the colors of the harvest brilliant and alive. This land was the former Summer Queen Redleaf’s Autumn lands…now part of Summer. I felt proud of the budding fruits and harvest found here, where life abound. But the pumpkins and tree-trunks were all dappled with silver alongside the golden sunlight, a viscous substance I recognized immediately. Fairy blood. “There's been a battle here,” I whispered.
    “The blood is fresh,” said Kian. “This can't be more than a few days old.”
    So this battle was the consequence of my death, I thought. If I hadn't been gone, then this never would have happened. We would have had peace – we would have had happiness in both kingdoms at last. I looked down in shame. How had I been so stupid as to let Wort get the better of me?
    Kian saw my downcast expression. “You've done more for peace in this land than anyone,” he said, putting his hand to my cheek. “Don't blame yourself. It is not your fault. Wort and his Pixies have integrated themselves into the Summer Court long before you became Queen, Breena. This mess with the Pixies was there before you. We'll fix it – I promise.”
    “That blood...” I whispered. “It's like my blood. These are my people – I feel this connection to them.”
    It was now Kian's turn to look ashamed. “Summer blood,” he said, looking around. “In the heat of battle, I had not recognize this place, but now I do. I was at this battle...” He did not finish his sentence, but I knew

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