Frost Kisses (Bitter Frost #4: Frost Series)

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Book: Frost Kisses (Bitter Frost #4: Frost Series) by Kailin Gow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kailin Gow
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betrayed him?” Hot tears stung my eyes. “How could they think you would let anything get in the way of peace? Even I, who saw you stab me, knew there had to be something...that it couldn't have been you!”
    “I was stupid,” said Kian. “If I hadn't left the Great Hall, whoever it was would never have been able to glamour into me...everyone would have seen the real me! But I left you, and that imposter was able to take my place! Despite my protestations, I cannot prove it was not me who stabbed you. Even the Winter Queen and all of Winter believe so.”
    “I know who it was,” I said.
    “Wort!” Kian's face darkened with anger.
    “No, not Wort.” I put a hand on his shoulder. “Kian, it was Delano.”
    “The Pixie King!” Kian's eyes blazed with anger – like twin blue flames staring out at me. Delano had nearly killed Kian, while he was his prisoner. “I should have known. Nobody could be that insidious, that capable of deceit. He's always been our enemy; we were fools to ignore him.”
    “Who else is alive?” I asked quickly. Then I lowered my head, not wanting to let Kian look into my eyes. “Is Logan okay?” my voice was low, barely louder than a whisper. I didn't want to make Kian any more jealous, but I had to know. Was my friend still alive? Was Logan, the man I was engaged to under Wort’s spell, there?
    I saw the jealousy in Kian's eyes, but he refused to alter the stony expression on his face. “Yes,” he said softly. “He is still alive.”
    “I' m sorry,” I cut in. “I had to ask....”
    “No, I understand. He was – is – your friend.”
    “He doesn't know...” I said, sighing, “that what we had was only a result of a spell.”
    “Only?” Kian raised his eyebrow. “I think Logan's cared about you even before he drank that potion.”
    “But he doesn't know that our engagement, that it was all a lie!” I sighed.
    “Oh, Breena,” Kian whispered, holding me close. I felt his soft breath close against my shoulders, like a warm breeze filling me with love. “It's all gone so terribly wrong. And I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't more understanding with you, about what had happened to you, the confusion you must be feeling when you realized that you'd been placed under a spell. Only once the news of your death had reached my ears was I able to take control of the dark emotions that overtook me when I thought that you'd chosen Logan, was I able to think clearly through my pain. And I knew then what a fool I had been not to be there for you at that moment. My guilt, my shame, my pain: I thought they would destroy me! I wasn't sure I could survive without you. I went into battle, seeking out death at the hands of my enemies, and instead I continued the cycle of war, so deep was I in despair!” As Kian spoke, I saw tears – sparkling and iridescent – forming in his bright blue eyes.
    He looked into my eyes and saw the tears rolling down my cheek, and then his tears began flowing, too, transforming into infinitely tiny snowflakes as they hit the ground. My tears followed his, streaming slowly at first, and then faster, watering the earth.
    Then, where my tears had wet the ground, I saw budding with impossible speed a single flower, a snow lily. I jumped up in surprise. “What the...”
    Kian couldn't help but laugh through his tears. “I suppose you really are a fairy now,” he whispered. “Really and truly.” He stroked my hair. “Your magic is exceptional. I have never seen anything like this before, except last night – the combination of Summer and Winter magic. Where I make frost, you make flowers.”
    “I feel like I've died,” I said. “And come back as somebody else. I'm me, and I'm not me.”
    “Whoever you are,” said Kian, “I love you more than ever, Bree. You’re still the same Bree who stole my heart. You hold in your hands my heart, my soul, and my very being. You are already the Queen of my heart, my love, my true love, my only love.” He kissed me

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