Trinity Blacio

Read Online Trinity Blacio by Embracing the Winds - Free Book Online

Book: Trinity Blacio by Embracing the Winds Read Free Book Online
Authors: Embracing the Winds
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confused. When both of them noticed the blood on her legs, they jumped up from their chairs. Each chair flew backwards. Boreas picked her up into his arms. The blood dripped down her legs. They could now see the glass pieces sticking out of her wounds.
    Gently, he placed her down on the chair that was placed near him. Luna pointed to the window at the two men trying to stare into the restaurant. Luna knew they wouldn’t be able to see in the windows, because they were tinted. People could see out, but they couldn’t see in.
    Eurus and Notus ran out the door-giving chase throwing their powers at the men who had tried to attack her. Their powers ripped the men in half but at the same time they shielded the humans from the view. Luna started to shake. If they had that much power she could just imagine what Drake could do to her. Looking down at her legs, she caught Drake staring at her. Hate radiated off of him. She threw up her arms and sent all the power she could muster at him. His body flew across the room with a bang. Everyone stood quiet as they stared.
    “Luna, what’s going on?” Aeolus asked quietly.
    “He’s the one who has been after me. Can’t you feel the evil? It was in the bathroom, and here in the room before. He tried to send a little of his evil power at me earlier, testing me,” Luna shrieked and pointed her finger into Aeolus’ chest. Luna shook afraid that the both of them wouldn’t believe her.
    “I am sorry, but I won’t have him anywhere near me.” Luna waved her hands and protected herself with her magic. She kept her gaze on Drake. His father helped him up slowly. They all stared at Luna, like she had lost her mind. She had enough.
    “Listen, I am sorry you don’t believe me. Let me take this out of your hands.” Luna challenged. Angry she pushed herself out of the chair. She walked to the exit door and turned. She gazed at both of her so-called mates who stood and stared at her as if she were nuts.
    “I will tell you this,” she glared.
    “I have never in my life lied. I came back here, after I was attacked needing you two, but you can’t see past your family to see what is in front of your face.” She looked at his family.
    “Maybe, that’s why you guys didn’t catch him earlier. I don’t know, but I know this. Don’t come after me, until you have found out the truth.” With that, Luna slammed out of the restaurant. She didn’t know where to go. She just knew she had to leave the area.
    Stumbling past the coffee shop, Mrs. Young saw her and waved her into her shop. Luna sighed, and went into the little shop.
    “What in the world happened? Your dress is torn and you’re bleeding? Where’s that man of yours? He should be taking care of you?” Mrs. Young demanded. She pushed Luna down into a chair and carefully wiped the blood that still dripped down her legs. The glass had been removed either by Aeolus or Boreas.
    “It’s a long story and I have to leave the area for a few days. Let’s just say his family came first and leave it at that, shall we.” Luna couldn’t hold back the tears. They dropped onto her hands clenched in her lap. Luna’s head snapped up. She remembered Mrs. Young talking about a cabin they owned in the mountains in Maine. It would be perfect.
    “Mrs. Young, would you mind if I borrowed your cabin for a few weeks? I promise I’ll keep it clean.” Luna tried to smile, but she just couldn’t force herself. “I’ll go pick up my car and head there.”
    “No, dear, not at all. Do you need a key or can you get in yourself? Why are you driving? Have you extended yourself again? What did I just tell your man about that?” She tapped her foot and frowned at her.
    “No, I don’t need a key. But I had no choice, I was attacked. I better go, before they come looking for me. Please don’t say anything. I need a few days alone,” Luna asked and walked out of the coffee shop heading towards her car. It would take her two days to drive there. Tonight

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