Thin Blood Thick Water (Clueless Resolutions Book 2)

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Book: Thin Blood Thick Water (Clueless Resolutions Book 2) by W B Garalt Read Free Book Online
Authors: W B Garalt
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lot when the inspectors arrived at the laboratory site.  Max gathered his measuring equipment and camera while Maggie set up a voice recorder.  A uniformed watchman (not Howard) let them in and suggested a guided tour but Max explained about their pre-inspection trip the evening before. He and Maggie went about the measuring and checklist completion with Max dictating and taking pictures as Maggie held the recorder. Working as a team it went faster than usual. In the lunch room area, a supposed employee introduced himself as Harrison Bickford, a nephew of the deceased Partner. He was a marine biology student at a downtown college. He lived with his mother. She was a sister of the widowed woman who had been married to another deceased Bickford brother. Harrison worked at the lab part time.
    Having completed the interior inspection, Max and Maggie measured and took pictures of the exterior of the structure.  As Max dictated his final observations into the recorder, a portly gentleman approached them, introducing himself to Maggie as a board member of a local lending institution.  He was leaving as he met Max, shook hands with him and was on his way.
    “Well, you two had an involved conversation, it seems,” Max kidded with Maggie.
    “You know how we financial people are Max, we love to talk about money,” she said with a laugh. “I did get some questions about where we dined last night.”
    “Was there any discussion as to why he was here? Max asked.
    Maggie told Max that the financier avoided any discussion concerning his involvement with the Bickford property, or the business, and she had no ready reason to pursue it. Max understood, but asked how the subject of the restaurant came about.  Maggie wasn’t sure as to exactly how, but as a member of a local commerce committee, perhaps his interest was in whether she and Max had seen much of the city, and what their impression was.
    With the physical inspection completed, the two travelers went on their way. During the drive back to the bungalow Maggie asked Max if he had enough information to give the Partners a market value estimate of the laboratory.  Max explained that he had to research the commercial and industrial real estate data pertaining to the general location of the laboratory, which he would assemble through his contacts within the international real estate appraisal associations, and apply the applicable specifics to the subject property. The resulting analysis would provide him with a value, in Canadian dollars which could be translated to the current equivalent in American currency. That process would be done from his USAP office.
    “So, are we done with the assignment here?” Maggie asked.
    “Yes, that’s about it Mag,” he replied. “We could explore the Island a bit if you’d like, but I’ve got another idea,” he hinted with a mischievous look. “Let’s pack up and I’ll fill you in.”
    They had reached the river island at that point. With the SUV parked back in the garage, they went into the bungalow to have some lunch and discuss Max’s plan.

Chapter 10
    Max had gotten the information that he needed which finalized the need for him to be in Nova Scotia. He and Maggie had also experienced some excitement, which neither of them had bargained for, but that was a matter to be discussed at a later time and place. His suggestion to Maggie, while they lunched on micro-wave-heated frozen pizza that Maggie prepared, was to stow their gear in the Beaver floatplane and fly south to coastal Maine. There, they could finish their weekend getaway exploring the ‘down east coast’.
    “That sounds like a capital idea to me Max,” she responded. “I’m still a little unsettled over what happened last night, I don’t know about you.”
    “My feelings, exactly,” he agreed. “We’re here on an out-of-the-country, pre-arranged visit, and under pre-arranged conditions, with which I’m not that comfortable. The sooner we get back over the

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