Thin Blood Thick Water (Clueless Resolutions Book 2)

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Book: Thin Blood Thick Water (Clueless Resolutions Book 2) by W B Garalt Read Free Book Online
Authors: W B Garalt
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“Just make sure that you put your car keys in the jump-suit.”
    For a few seconds, a stunned Maggie just stared at Max with an astounded and incredulous look on her face. Then she realized that he had caught her drifting along, thinking about the night before, and consumed with the drama and intrigue that Max had been living with since he joined the USAP Partnership.
    “Max! You son-of-a-bitch! Here I am thinking about what you’ve been going through with all this spy bullshit! I’ve been going along with everything you asked because I thought it was pertinent to your job…” Maggie trailed off as she realized she had over-reacted a bit.
    “Oh-oh, the radio mike was on. I hope nobody heard that,” he said. Then he broke out in a loud laugh that he couldn’t stifle any longer.
    After reacting for a second or two Maggie looked at the radio switch and realized it was correctly on intercom. She twisted in her seat and gave Max a sharp punch on the shoulder.
    “Whoa, easy there, I’m the only one here that can fly this plane,” he kidded.
    “Well, I’m glad you’re getting back to being yourself,” Maggie said. “It’s about time you loosened up. I was actually considering how risky it would be for me to use a parachute, you jerk! You’re going to pay for that, big time.” Max just looked at her with a wide, goofy smile.
    The tension over the prior two days had broken. Both Maggie and Max knew it was going to be a fun trip from this point on.
    Max cut back on the throttle as they descended to 500 ft. and flew at that level until he saw the dock. The Beaver shuddered as the pontoons made contact on the choppy bay waters. As he taxied the floatplane toward the dock Max called his friend’s number on his cell phone.  ‘Hello’s were exchanged and Max gave a quick re-cap of where he was. Jock, who wasn’t at the dock, told Max he’d make a call and have the dock manager throw out some tie lines to secure the floatplane.  A floating dock along the north side of the main pier proved to be perfect as they were waved in and then hooked by the dock manager. After ten minutes of shutting down and tying up, Max and Maggie climbed up to the main dock and walked with George, the dock manager, into the office area.
    Jock was unable to meet with them but recommended that they stay the night at the Bar Harbor Grand Hotel, and recommended ‘Jed’s Pub’ a ‘shabby-chic’ café nearby, where he would make a reservation for them.  Max described the plan outlined by Jock to Maggie and she nodded in agreement. With that, they thanked George and took their tote bags on the short walk to the Grand Hotel.
    The recommendation from Jock proved to be a door-opener of great proportions at the hotel. Jock (Jacques) apparently had significant influence there. The ‘room’ Max and Maggie were given, for a minimal charge, turned out to be an extravagant suite at the penthouse level.
    “He must know somebody here,” Max remarked, as they stood on the south facing balcony. “Look, there’s the Beaver,” he said, pointing down at the dock where they had moored.
    “Don’t tell me that’s Nova Scotia,” Maggie said, pointing out over the bay to the southeast. Max wasn’t sure. The Nova Scotia main island was some 150 miles away.
    Jed’s Pub was a perfect match for Maggie and Max. They enjoyed a leisurely dinner and both agreed that it was a major improvement over their weird experience in Nova Scotia. Max indicated that he had decided to ask for any input, relating to the previous evening’s ‘adventure’, that he might gain from his USAP crowd when he arrived back at headquarters.
    The excellent recommendation they had gotten from Jock was surprising to Maggie but she realized that since he was a long-time friend of Max, he obviously chose of the type of place in which he would accommodate important people in his life. She placed Jock up near the top of the list of people she could get to like.
    The atmosphere, the

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