Flame (Ruin Outlaws MC #4)
one of the saddlebags is worn down from grinding against the asphalt.
    He's going easy on our speed though, and I'm starting to get nervous. How far out into the desert are we going to go? What if we don't make it back out? We don't have any phones, and I'm sure we wouldn't have reception in any case. If anyone catches us they'll probably immediately throw us into jail or export us back to Mexico because of the bodies at the shooting range. Three of them. Christ.
    Bodies. Like they weren't people. Logan is probably used to all this, being an outlaw. Just being around him is changing me. Something cold and hard has grown in my heart, and I don't know if I should embrace it or try my best to thaw it before it kills me. I'm still horrified by how emotionless I felt at the range. Sneaking up behind the gun man, I had only one thought. Save Logan. Even when I pushed the barrel into his spine and felt his bones crack when I pulled the trigger, I only thought of one thing: Save Logan.
    What else has he done to me? Have I had any affect on him? I stare at the back of his neck and the breeze catches his hair. The only thing lighting up the desert is the moon, casting grim shadows after the headlights pass over rocks and the gnarled trees.
    Everything feels weird. Surreal.
    . . .
    We pass a sign on the road marking a campground coming up. I point it out and talk over the sound of the engine to tell Logan, but he doesn't answer. He doesn't stop either, so I can only assume he saw it and that's where he's going. He usually has a way to deal with the world when things get turned upside down.
    The trail narrows a bit and the bike jostles on the rough terrain. If I don't squeeze Logan hard enough, I'm going to get thrown from the bike. He slows down just after a wave of dust overcomes us. I can feel the dirt stick to my face, covered in a cold sweat. I can't believe how cold the nights get out here, considering how unbearably hot the days are. I shiver and lean into Logan. His back is warm. I can faintly smell sweat on him.
    I wonder if Sara is okay. Is she still living at the apartment where Rattlesnake died? I'm sure she isn't... as my mind goes to her, I think about how she would always freak out just seeing roadkill. And Rattlesnake was definitely a lot bigger than any squirrel on the side of the road. I really wish I could have saved her from that hell.
    Logan releases the left handlebar of the bike and lowers his hand to the gas tank. Blindly, he grazes his hand and touches my thigh, rubbing me in a way that says everything will be okay. It's nice to be touched again, like he's coming back from whatever dark place he was in.
    "Logan?" I try.
    He grunts. "What's up?"
    "Are we going to that campsite?"
    "I don't see any other choice," he says. "Hopefully they'll have something we can use. I don't think we can stay though... the agents will be patrolling the area in the morning, especially any campgrounds. We won't be able to stop until we make it back into town."
    I stare up at the sky and catch a glimpse of the Milky Way faintly glowing overhead. How far away are we from town? What time is it? I would probably be asleep right now, snuggled soundly in my bed, if it wasn't for Logan. I don't resent him for that though.
    After some time, I agree, "Okay." He slows the bike as we reach another sign marking the turn off for the campground. Then he pulls the left lever and the engine quiets completely, a smooth drone replacing the cacophony from before. As we near the entrance, he shuts the engine off and coasts us to a stop near the entrance signage and deposit box. My ears ring as we climb off his bike. The moon's slipped under the horizon, and the only light I can see with is from now are the stars above. Like a candle held a thousand feet away, they're barely helpful.
    A couple of tents are set up, like any kind of campground. I'm sure there's a host camper somewhere nearby. All the tents are darkened and silent except for some snoring, I'm

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