Flame (Ruin Outlaws MC #4)
surprised there isn't even a campfire smoldering. Logan walks past the sign marking the layout for the campsites. I follow behind him, trying to mimic him and be quiet. Even with his boots on, he's surprisingly silent, barely cracking the gravel beneath his feet.
    Near a tent, that has a small truck parked behind it, there's a cooler. The red color is muted, but still bright against the gray backdrop of dirt and trees. He reaches it and kneels down, before cracking the seal and rummaging inside. He pulls out two water bottles and hands one to me. I snap the cap on one and start to drink.
    I didn't even feel parched until I saw the water. I take big swallows, feeling rejuvenated with every drop. He cracks the seal on his bottle and starts drinking, too. Afterwards, he replaces our empty bottles with fresh ones. "Here," he whispers, handing me four bottles altogether. "Take these and put them in the bike. I might try and get some fuel from that truck."
    "Okay." I wander back to the motorcycle and open the saddlebags and throw the bottles inside. When I look back, Logan is creeping toward the truck and attempting to pop the fuel cap, but the tent closest to Logan lights up and a zipper splits it open. I want to yell out to him, but it's too late. A man steps out and squints into the darkness.
    "Who's there!" he calls out. He sounds angry and I can just barely make out his large frame.
    Logan turns from the side of the truck and pulls his gun. He steps forward and puts his finger to his lips and pushes the man backward. The man falls into his tent and Logan descends on him. Now, all I can hear are forced and upset whispers. I pull out my gun from the saddlebags and start pacing back toward the tent. Before I can reach it though, Logan emerges from the tent and runs back to me. He grabs my wrist as he passes me, and he drags me back to the bike.
    Logan reaches the bike and tosses some energy bars, his gun, and a smartphone into the saddlebags. The light in the tent is still on. The shadow moves and the man steps out of the tent again, and shouts for help.
    "Someone! Help! I'm being robbed!" Some other tents light up and shadows move to unzip their tents. One man wearing nothing but underwear emerges from a neighbor tent wielding a shotgun.
    "No time for fuel now, we have to go," Logan says. He kicks the motorcycle alive and it startles the camper, who scrambles to slip his boots on. I straddle the back of the bike and Logan swerves the bike back around, being quiet isn't a priority anymore. The bike throws up dirt and gravel and it falls back on us like rain. Logan guns the throttle to full blast and before I can blink we're gone from the campsite.
    After a couple of minutes down the rocky trail, I prod Logan in the shoulder.
    "What did you say to him?"
    "I said we needed a phone, and if he didn't give it to me, I'd kill him."
    "I wouldn't have actually killed him, Cassie." He turns over his shoulder so I can see the side of his face for a moment. "He wasn't going to call my bluff over a dumb phone. There's no service out here anyway."
    "What about the fuel?"
    "It'll be okay, I think. It won't last forever though, but with our current pace, I don't know how far we can really get."
    It took us so long to reach the border in the first place, this huge detour certainly isn't helping. The chill of the air gets to me again and I wrap my arms around Logan, and grab my wrists. I rest my face against the nape of his neck. His warmth radiates into me.
    I'm so exhausted, but I don't want to go to sleep. I need to stay awake incase he gets too tired to drive. But... how can I when he's so warm? I lock my arms around him and manage to get my feet jammed against the pedals so I can't sway from side-to-side. I close my eyes and feel the world slip away.
    . . .
    "Cassie." Logan's voice feels far away, but I try to reach out for it. I struggle to move, my eyes feel sealed shut. "Cassie!" he swerves the bike and it shakes me. I twitch

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