Flame (Ruin Outlaws MC #4)
and groan, opening my eyes. My legs and arms have gone numb, and with movement comes pain. A million needles stab me at once and I want to buckle over in pain.
    We're still riding, and the sun is in the sky. I wipe my face and sweat greases my hand. Logan turns back to look down the road, and I realize we're still not on the highway. Is this another dirt path, or the same one from before? I try and stretch one arm at a time, holding Logan's shoulder to keep my balance. With my arms feeling a little better, I stick my legs out and try and shake them awake, but the movement only makes the pain worse.
    "I can't believe you were sleeping like that," Logan says. I want to laugh, but the pins and needles are too painful.
    "Can we stop so I can stretch?" I ask him.
    He stares down at his speed and then taps his gas tank. "No, we can't. We have to get as far as we can before she kicks the bucket."
    I suddenly feel a lot more awake. I shake my head and rub my eyes to free the left over sleep from my body. Logan's shoulders are hunched, and he looks exhausted. Dark rings are under his eyes, but they still look clear and eager. His body is coiled tightly though, maybe from stress and exhaustion. He's probably just as numb as me.
    "How far have we gone?"
    "I have no idea," he says. "I just keep heading this direction. I'm sure we're getting close to... some kind of civilization."
    After grabbing his shoulder for balance, I lean backwards and open one of the saddlebags. Doing something like this would have scared the shit out of me a week ago. I feel around inside the bag and dig out a water bottle and open the cap. "Drink this," I say as I pass it over his shoulder.
    He takes it eagerly and tips the bottom up. Some of the water splashes his face and dribbles down his chin, but god knows he must need it. Now that I'm awake, I'm starting to feel how hot the sun is already. He hands the water bottle back to me, crushed and empty. I toss it back into the saddlebag and close the buckle with a snap.
    The motorcycle heaves and kicks forward, but Logan manages to keep it in control. The head light dims as it bucks back and forth, but Logan coaxes it to keep going. He settles her temper tantrum. "Not good," he admits. We're going slower now, the motorcycle's note deeper than it was before.
    I scan the horizon and try to look for any signs of Phoenix, or any civilization. How big could Arizona really be? The undulating landscape and red rock make it almost impossible to tell. Hell, as the day drags on, I'm sure the red rocks will look like sky scrapers in the haze of the heat. I suddenly remember the cellphone we snatched from the campsite.
    I open the saddlebag again and pull it out. I unlock the screen and see that the battery is half dead. 'No service' stares back at me from the screen. No service, No GPS.
    "Shit," I say. "The phone still doesn't have service."
    "Figures," he says. "Shut it off, we can't have it dying on us too." I power down the phone and I slip it into my pocket.
    The motorcycle kicks forward and lurches again, and the lights dim. It starts to slow, and Logan curses loudly, banging his hand on the tank. "Come on!" Without any further drama, the bike shuts off and Logan brakes it to a stop. "Fuck."
    I climb off the bike and stretch my legs, finally able to knead the sleep out of my joints. When I look up at him again, he's still sitting on the bike, staring at the fuel tank. He pops open the cap and peers inside, before rocking the bike back and forth and putting his ear to the hole. "Nothing, it's dry as bone. I'm surprised she made it this far," he says. He gives me a sorrowful look. Logan stands up and rummages through the saddlebags. He starts to unstrap them from the back of the bike and unload them.
    "What are you doing?"
    "We have to bring it," he says. He pulls out the energy bars and last three bottles of water. He hands them to me and digs through the cash. After digging for a couple of minutes, I sigh.
    "We can't

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