Finding Ashlynn

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Book: Finding Ashlynn by Zoe Lynne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zoe Lynne
wasn’t paying attention to her best friend.
    Ash wondered if that worry had anything to do with her.
    She stepped into the room and, when Stella’s stare landed on Ash, a smile spread her bright-red lips. She gave Jenna a nudge. Jenna raised her head, and it seemed as if everything in the world suddenly stopped. The two of them were in a tunnel and nothing outside that circle of light existed.
    Hugging herself a little tighter, Ash gave Jenna a subtle smile—an I’m-so-glad-to-see-you look. When Jenna’s grin grew wider, Ash’s entire body instantly warmed. Ash nodded toward the door, signaling for Jenna to join her outside the room. She wanted to hug Jenna and kiss her at least once without everyone seeing them. Plus, she really had something she needed to say.
    Jenna stood and headed across the room. Ash held the door open, waiting for the most beautiful girl in the world to walk through. She caught a whiff of Jenna’s perfume in passing and only then did she realize how badly she’d missed being so close to Jenna. She missed the clean scent of flowers and the way Jenna’s skin glistened, missed the warmth she felt when she found herself in Jenna’s arms.
    As the door closed behind them, Ash reached out for Jenna’s hand and pulled her into a hug. Ash buried her face against the curve of Jenna’s neck and just… breathed. That’s all she could do for a second or two, just breathe in the long-missed scent of perfection.
    “I’m sorry about last night,” Ash whispered. “I wanted to see you. I really did.”
    She felt Jenna’s arms wrap around her, felt the weight of Jenna’s hand at her lower back, and Ash relaxed in her hold.
    “You don’t have to apologize,” Jenna said. “I understand why you didn’t want me coming over—I mean, I don’t—but I do, if that makes sense. I just… I wanted to take care of you. I hated the idea of you being sick and alone, with no one to make you soup or… whatever. Ya know?”
    “Yeah, I know. I would’ve loved the company, I promise.” Ash raised her head and looked Jenna right in the eyes. “I’m not ready for you to see my place. I… I gotta know it won’t turn you off of me before I can take you there.”
    “It won’t, sweetie.” Jenna cradled Ash’s cheek with her warm hand and her gentle, slender fingers. “But I understand.”
    “Thank you,” Ash whispered.
    She closed her eyes and pressed her lips to Jenna’s. Nothing deep or passionate, nothing lewd or inappropriate. Just a simple, chaste kiss to let Jenna know how grateful Ash was for her being so understanding. Though honestly, it felt amazing to be that close to Jenna again.
    The sound of someone clearing their throat pulled the girls away from each other. They looked over at exactly the same time and found Stella giving them a smirk. She said, “They’re ready to start. You two gonna join us?”
    “Yeah,” Ash half laughed as she wrapped her fingers around Jenna’s hand.
    Jenna’s cheeks had turned that adorable shade of rose again.
    Stella held the door as they walked back into the meeting room and joined the little circle of the twelve or so guys and girls, some who religiously came to the Friday-night meetings. Jenna told Ash to take the chair and Jenna sat down on the floor in front of her, nestled between Ash’s legs. She laid her head on the inside of Ash’s knee. And though the advisers started to talk and do the round robin introductions for the straggling newcomers, Ash couldn’t help finding herself lost in the feel of Jenna cuddling against her leg.
    Halfway through the meeting, somewhere between pizza and the worst karaoke Ash had ever heard, she decided she couldn’t take any more off-key renditions of Glee songs, and fighting the urge to kiss Jenna had become too hard. She hung in there for as long as she could, knowing how much Jenna loved being at the Friday night get-togethers, but Ash had had enough already.
    She leaned forward, enough to almost reach

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