Sin Eaters: Devotion Book One

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Book: Sin Eaters: Devotion Book One by Kai Leakes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kai Leakes
sis and don’t let any brothas touch you or it’s on.
    Both men were twenty-four with GQ-meets-everyday-guy-on-the-street facial features, which had her getting bats to fight the women off them. Dare and Take were men who loved to excel. They were damn good at their schooling, so much so that they stayed on the dean’s list, even when pledging Kappa in school. Yeah, those two young men were a good catch, and it didn’t help that their swag was so honest that, without being rude, they always sidestepped women who weren’t up to par. This, of course, helped them gain equally honest women as significant others.
    She had just sent another gift package to her baby sister Amara a week ago. Amara was Darren’s twin, born two minutes behind Darren, which was why they called her the baby of the family. She was the sassy one, always saying something smart to anyone who disrespected her intelligence or her family. That is why she gained the nickname Truth. Yet, she was always respectful about her sassiness, never hurting anyone unless in defense.
    The only way people knew that Dare and Truth were twins was because they had similar hand movements, and they shared the same eyes, skin tone, and dimples. That was it. Everything else, resemblance-wise, reminded people of Sanna. Both Amara and she shared the same curly hair, but Mara’s was a dark sandy brown, which she got from her mother. She also shared Sanna’s height, curvy body, and smile.
    D.T.T., as the family called them, were like the Three Musketeers. You could not break them apart, until Amara got accepted into Spellman and the guys went to Chi-town. Sanna’s phone never stopped ringing with calls from Truth seeking sisterly advice about the men of Morehouse and the surrounding Atlanta area who tried to holler at her, or just to talk. Sanna loved her like she loved herself. Truth reminded her of their mom at times, with her wit, sass, and intelligence. That was what made her the head of her pre-med program and a great youth leader in Atlanta.
    Suddenly dizzy, she looked up. Everything around Sanna seemed to slow in suspended animation. The rain. The people. Even the sound of her favorite song seemed to drone away as her mind and emotions dipped behind that secret wall of loneliness. She counted her breaths as they came out shaky and slow. She hated these bouts of sadness, as she thought of everyone around her having someone.
    It didn’t also help that she relied on the bouts of fantasy she had like today that often reminded her of being single in a lonely city. It was rough to try to condition herself that she was strong, independent, and was fine with just dating and flirting. She wanted what everyone else wanted, but she felt that no one was going to come her way. Kyo had always been telling her to stop searching for her keys, whatever that meant, but Sanna couldn’t help her heart. If someone was coming to be her everything, then they were taking too damn long. This was why she cooked and sent care packages to the twins and her godbrother. Why she loved to hear their happy responses and Facebook status brags. This was also why she loved what she did with her restaurant and working with Kyo. It calmed that threat of her inner anguish bothering her and tearing at her self-esteem.
    She frowned at the continuing slow suspended motion of the rain as she turned her car on to drive off. Something wasn’t right, but she couldn’t put her hand on it. The back of her mind itched, and something made her play with her cell, using her thumbnail to shift it up and close it.
    The sudden buzzing sound of her vibrating cell made her jump. She looked at the incoming text:


    As she quickly sped home, she just couldn’t understand it. They had just sent her a message to send another care package, then now this? This wasn’t right at all. The blood was slowly rushing through her veins as she

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