Enchanted Lover

Read Online Enchanted Lover by Connie C. Scharon - Free Book Online

Book: Enchanted Lover by Connie C. Scharon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Connie C. Scharon
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his arms and lifted her to
his lips in a soft kiss. The sweetness of her mouth made him linger, savoring
the tender feel of her.
    Laughter rippled across the assembly. "Would
milord like a few hours alone with his bride before the feast?" a man
called out.
    "To the wedding feast," Jared directed.
Grabbing Asilinn around the waist, he propelled her with him into the crowd
receiving congratulations as they went.
    Asilinn was relieved when they finally arrived in the
great hall of Dunbocan. Tables and benches had been placed throughout the huge
room, including a large banquet table on the raised platform at the far end of
the hall. Jared led her to the platform and held up his hand for silence.
    Jared took a length of his plaid and pinned it to
Asilinn's colors bringing the two lengths of fabric together and intertwining
them. He moved his hands to rest on Asilinn's shoulders and turned her to face
the crowd. Slowly he brought his hand across her breast and down to rest on her
flat stomach. "My child shall spring from these loins. He shall be half
MacLean and half Innes.”
    Asilinn's knees buckled, close to giving way
altogether, at his bold announcement. Her breast still felt the heat from his
casual touch and she struggled to maintain her balance.
    Seeing her difficulty, Jared pulled her back against
him supporting her weight in his arms. The crowd gave another dutiful cheer.
    Robert stood and offered a toast. “To Scotland’s clans united.” He paused and gazed at Jared and Asilinn. “It starts here.” The
clansmen responded to their king with cries of support. Robert turned to
Asilinn and Jared. “I shall pray for the success of your union. I must be off
to Edinburgh in the morning. I count on the two of you to make this work.” He
pressed a quick kiss on Asilinn’s hand.
    Jared guided Asilinn to the seat beside his at the
head table. The king sat on the other side of her. Drawing a deep breath,
Asilinn leaned back in her chair thankful to be seated at last. Her knees still
knocked together and she fought to keep the appearance of composure. Jared
handed her a goblet of red wine and raised his own to meet hers in a toast.
Anxious to recover her strength, Asilinn drank deep from her cup looking for
courage in the fiery liquid.
    Soon the trencher Asilinn shared with Jared was
filled with Barley Bannocks and Carrageen Jelly. At some other occasion, she
might be pleased to find her favorite bread served so generously, but today she
had no stomach for food.
    Jared opened his larders to present a feast of
uncommon variety. Servants carried in roast venison, mutton, and pork on spits.
The carver sharpened his blade in preparation. Heaping platters of onions,
beans, and cabbage passed back and forth and Asilinn took nothing. She even
refused a selection of meat.
    Her lack of appetite gained Jared's attention.
"If you dinna eat, the wine will sour your stomach."
    She threw him a dark scowl. "I have no knife to
cut the bread, Milord. Mayhaps you would return my dirk for the feast."
    Pulling the jeweled dagger from his waistband, he
stuck it deep in the bread. "Forgive my thoughtlessness. You have but to
ask and it is given."
    Asilinn cut herself a slice of bread and took some of
the roast pork the carver offered. Jared grinned. She turned her head away. She
heard him laugh when he made merry with his men. From time to time, he cast a
glance her way.
    For Asilinn the party seemed interminable. She
wondered if she would be allowed to retire to the tower, but thought better of
asking. He might interpret her request as an invitation to join her there and
consummate their vows. The celebration grew more raucous as the afternoon drew
into evening.
    At one point, a buffoon named Tynan approached the
main table and grabbed Asilinn’s hand. He pressed it to his drunken mouth for a
slobbery kiss. Jared grasped the man's wrist and forced him to relinquish his
grip on Asilinn. Tynan tripped and knocked Asilinn's wine onto the bodice

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