Enchanted Lover

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Book: Enchanted Lover by Connie C. Scharon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Connie C. Scharon
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her ivory linen surcoat. It seeped across her chest like blood.
    Asilinn sprung to her feet near tears waving her
jewel-encrusted dirk at Tynan. Jared took her arm and retrieved the weapon from
her shaking hand.
    "'Tis my task to set this fool straight,"
he told her. Jared motioned Wynne over to the table and gave Asilinn a little
push toward her maid.
    "Take Lady Asilinn to my chamber and prepare her
for me."
    Jared nodded to Morven who guided Wynne and Asilinn
from the hall. Morven stayed with them until they were safely back to the tower
room and took up a post outside the door.
    Stripping off her soiled surcoat, Asilinn tearfully
handed it to Wynne. "'Twas lovely," she murmured.” I’m sorry I ruined
    "It was not yer doin', lass," Wynne said.
"Dinna cry now. Mayhaps the stain will come out."
    Asilinn looked away from Wynne's stark perusal. Her
light blue kirtle was saturated with the heady brew. "Give that to me as
well," Wynne said, helping her.
    "But I have nothing to wear," Asilinn
    Wynne moved to a trunk in the corner and withdrew a
gossamer thin nightdress. "Laird Jared wishes you to wear this," she
    "Is there no other choice?"
    "I'm afraid not, lass," Wynne said.
"Laird Jared was very specific."
    Asilinn ripped off the thin shift that was her only
remaining undergarment and slipped on the sheer wrapper. All of her charms were
in full view, barely shielded by the see-through material. "I may as well
be naked," she said indignantly. Wynne raised her hand over her mouth to hide
her grin.
    "I think that was the idea, lass."
    "Find me something else," she demanded.
    "I cannot." Wynne lowered her head.
"Try not to be afraid, Lady Asilinn. I dinna think he means you any
harm." She hurried out of the room leaving Asilinn to stare after her.
    Asilinn paced the floor. This ridiculous outfit had
one purpose—a man's pleasure. She went to the bed and pulled back the heavy
curtains. She could cover up there. No! He would find her in bed and think her
willing. Running to the trunk, she flung back the lid. It was empty. The foul
bastard had not left her a scrap of material to cover herself. Retreating to
the bed again, she ripped off one of the blankets and wrapped it over her,
concealing her body from any prying eyes. She began pacing again.
    Her eyes roamed to the tapestry. Why not? If she
lingered here, she faced rape at the hands of the Dragon of Dunbocan. Had not
her dream warned her? Throwing back the tapestry, she shoved open the door to
the secret passage and stood face to face with Jared MacLean.
    "Milady, dost thou seek to depart so soon?"
    "Bastard," she railed, flying to the other
entrance to their chamber. She flung it open and ran right into Morven's broad
back. Her face flushed with rage. She pivoted and slammed the door when Morven
turned to grin at her.
    "There is no escape, Asilinn."
    He advanced toward her until he stood less than a
foot from her. She knew she should run, but her feet would not function. She
froze in her spot. He gently lifted the blanket off her shoulders and let it
fall to the floor. She felt his warm breath while she stood shivering under his
scalding gaze.
    Jared took a step back to admire the treasures he had
unveiled. He was totally mesmerized by her ripe display. The gossamer white
material coated her perfect breasts in a film of paleness enriched by her own
skin tone. His breath was already shallow and he felt his need rising rapidly.
Her rosy nipples shone at him through the meager covering, teasing him with
their availability.
    Unconsciously his hand moved to caress the treasure.
A scream tore from Asilinn's throat when his palm brushed her full breast. She
jumped back from his fondling trembling violently under his perusal.
    His gaze traced downward to her flat stomach—to the
tangle of golden curls at the crux of her womanhood. Asilinn covered herself
with her hands and blushed crimson. God he wanted her. Could she be as innocent
as she claimed?
    "Dinna do

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