Enchanted Lover

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Book: Enchanted Lover by Connie C. Scharon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Connie C. Scharon
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this, Milord," she pleaded.
"If you wilna cast me aside, please give me time to know you better before
you take me."
    Jared sucked in his breath and turned his back to
her. He walked over to the desk and ran his finger over the hard wood. After
what seemed like an eternity, he let himself look her way again. "I cannot
grant you a reprieve. Even now, your father rides to Dunbocan with a force of
two hundred men. You must be my wife in every sense of the word before I meet
with him. Otherwise my plan has no chance of success."
    A strangled whimper escaped from her. In desperation,
she moved to his side. Asilinn was unaware of her affect on his body.
"Please, I'll tell him of your generosity."
    Jared encircled her in his arms and pulled her to his
chest. "No, Asilinn," he whispered. "I canna wait."
    Grasping her golden mane, he pulled her head back to
meet his lips while he claimed her mouth.
    Asilinn moaned; fear rose up to greet her. His tongue
ravaged her lips until they parted admitting him to the dark recesses of her
very soul. Terrified she beat his chest with her fists, but it was as if he
could not feel her blows.
    Aggressively he attacked her innocence with roving
hands of fire and a swirling magic tongue that titillated her body to respond.
Still she fought him, valiantly trying to stop the conflagration of emotions
sweeping over her. She felt him lift her. Using one hand, he grasped her
buttocks and pressed her close against the hardness of his loins. Asilinn
gasped for air when his lips moved downward along her neck. It struck her—he
was moving toward the bed.
    "No," she screamed. He laid her down in the
soft ticking. She was twisting now beneath his weight as he pinned her to the
mattress. "No," she whimpered, tears wetting her cheeks. Her
nightmare was becoming a reality.
    He stopped abruptly and propped himself on his elbows
looking down into her eyes. With one finger, he traced a tear along her nose.
    "Leave off your struggle and I wilna harm
you." Without waiting for her response, he found her lips with his and
pressed his hard body between her legs.
    Asilinn was overcome by sheer panic—a clear picture
of her mother's struggle flashed before her eyes. She struck blindly at him and
tore away from his kiss. "You wilna rape me without a fight," she
choked, desperately trying to squirm from beneath him.
    Jared grabbed her arms and pinned them above her
head. The weight of his body was heavy between her thighs. "Zounds! I
dinna want to rape you, Asilinn. You are my wife. If you stop fighting, it will
not hurt."
    "I'm afraid it will kill me sure," she
whimpered. "I cannot. Have mercy."
    "Sweetling, what am I to do with you?"
    Lifting his weight from her, he left the bed and
walked over to the leather chair by the desk. He flopped down in the seat as if
he were exhausted by his effort. Asilinn sat up and watched him stare into the
fire. It was a long time before he spoke.
    "I dinna wish to take you by force, but it is
clear in the eyes of the church it would not be rape. I am your husband."
    "Mayhaps the church would see it different had
they knowledge of my desire to go to the nunnery," she suggested, sure
anything was better than the fate he had in mind for her.
    He gave a shallow laugh. "A desire born of
circumstance, to tell me otherwise would cast a sin upon your eternal
    How could he know the innermost workings of her mind?
And even now he talked with her rather than doing the deed. "I dinna
understand you, Milord."
    "Nor I you, sweetling," he murmured. His
gaze flew over her. He leaned his head down and rubbed his temple with his
hand. "I only sought to end a war, not begin one."
    Asilinn rose from the bed and walked over beside his
chair. "Is that not an impossible dream?"
    "I did not think so. I had not bargained for a
spitfire wife who would have the courage to fight me at every turn." His
face suffused with a warm smile. "And now what do I do with my virgin
bride? If I return you to your father

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