Earth (The Invasion Trilogy Book 1)

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Book: Earth (The Invasion Trilogy Book 1) by Jessica Frances Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Frances
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coming out on the next street. I watch a family huddling outside a shop, remaining in place, as a hinema moves over to them. Fear and shock prevent them from trying to run or fight back. Instead of killing them, this hinema holds out a monit. A bright light hits the family before they disappear.
    Relief courses through me. They’re not here to kill everyone ; they’re taking humans as well. No doubt some are being sent back to Oden, like what was originally planned. There is still a chance that girl will be safe.
    The relief doesn’t sit with me long. That same hinema who has just sent away that family also shoots a man running at it, a crazy and wild look on his face and a knife in his hands. He doesn’t make it very close to the hinema before he’s killed for his bravery.
    The mystery girl that I can’t get out of my head, she is a fighter. From our one brief encounter I know this.
    I’m tall, fit and some might say scary. Many people here have calm or happy expressions on their face as if that is their neutral look, as if they naturally find smiling as easy as breathing. I don’t. I believe I naturally have a blank look on my face. At worst, to me, I may appear contemplative, but I get the feeling that people view me as annoyed, maybe even angry. I get stares from strangers when I pass them. I’ve even seen some people crossing the street to get away from me.
    When that girl reali sed I was following her at the park, she didn’t run faster to get away; she waited until she had the advantage, hid, and then knocked me down. She confronted me and wasn’t once afraid of me.
    No, she will fight the hinema and most likely she’ll be killed for her effort.
    The hinema steps away from the dead man. I watch it glance down the street and towards where I am standing. A young girl runs down the road as a woman—her mother perhaps—screams for her to come back. The girl can’t be taller than my knee, and she is sobbing in fear. She’s racing towards the same man who is lying dead on the ground from the attack. Her movement gets the attention of the hinema and it aims a weapon at the small girl.
    The hinema isn’t able to understand who it’s attacking. It doesn’t differentiate between female or male, child or adult. Right now , it sees a human trying to get away, and I’ve already seen what happens to those humans.
    Without further thought , I run after the small child, grabbing hold of her just as she is fired at. I manage to move her out of the way of the attack, but not before several bullets lodge into my back. Luckily, my argu protects me. What it can’t stop is the strong current that pulses through the air. We’re both lifted off our feet and the girl cries as we fall to the ground several feet away from where we began. The few abandoned cars surrounding us are moved from the force and the glass from the windows smashes around us. I land awkwardly on my shoulder and the small girl scrapes her face along the ground.
    “Run,” I gasp, pushing the small girl towards her mother. Thankfully, she doesn’t argue.
    To ensure she makes it there safely and isn’t shot at again, I stand in the line of sight of the hinema. I’m not afraid, not even when another one joins the first hinema, standing next to the first. I imagine they are scanning me, seeing the chip lodged in my own neck that gives me not only the ability to know many earth languages, but also information imbedded about my own planet. It is a way of identifying me and protecting me. They will know I’m part of the leader’s family, and I won’t be harmed. The question is, can I get them to back off? I’ve never tried communicating with a hinema before. I’m not sure anyone has in person. The only way we usually communicate with them is through their information portals.
    I begin to call out in my language, not caring if anyone hears me. I doubt anyone is hanging around , watching and listening. Besides, this planet is already under attack,

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