Dreamsongs - Volume II

Read Online Dreamsongs - Volume II by George R. R. Martin - Free Book Online

Book: Dreamsongs - Volume II by George R. R. Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: George R. R. Martin
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    She stands by the window, dressed in a
hospital gown now, looking out over the city lights like one entranced. The
gash over her eye has been stitched and bandaged.
    Cat pushes back her sleeve to expose the
bracelet clasped around her forearm. She raises her arm, palm down, points it
toward the window and the city beyond.
    as she makes a fist. Inset deeply into the
coiling metal are three matte black SLASHES, roughly parallel, sinuous,
    Now those slashes begin to GLOW: very faint
at first, a dim BLUE. Slowly, deliberately, Cat moves her arm from right to
left and back again. The blue glow BRIGHTENS when she swings toward the east, DIMS
when her fist points west again.
    Her face solemn, her concentration fierce.
She sweeps her arm back and forth again; the glow BRIGHTENS and FADES.
    She turns her arm over, opening her
    As a HOLOGRAM springs to vivid life in her
palm: a small, three-dimensional EARTH, turning slowly. She holds a miniature
world in her hand. Strange swirling SYMBOLS run across its face, like stock
quotations on an electronic ticker.
    Behind her, we HEAR the sound of a door OPENING.
    She whirls. The globe winks out at once.
    A uniformed POLICEMAN opens the door for
him. Tom is carrying her clothing, neatly folded. He can see how jumpy she is.
    Did I startle you?
I’m sorry. I just wanted to see how you were doing.
    He closes the door behind him. Cat seems to
    I brought your
clothes. We washed them for you.
    Tom places the pile of clothing on the bed.
    There’s a new pair
of jeans in there. Your pants were, ah, beyond salvage.
    Cat crosses the room and snatches up the
clothing. She clutches it tight against her chest.
    A little taken aback by the fierce
    I know how you
feel. My girlfriend is always throwing out my favorite shirts.
    Cat slips out of the hospital gown, letting
it puddle on the floor at her legs. She is naked underneath. We see her bare
back as Cat starts to dress.
    She does it without a trace of
self-consciousness or shame. Tom turns his back, more embarrassed than she is.
    She pulls on the silvery undershirt, SNIFFS
at the jeans, steps into them. Tom keeps up a stream of talk.
    I didn’t catch your
name. I’m Dr Lake. Thomas,
    We’ve got you down
as a Jane Doe. For the paperwork. The office wants to
    know if you have
any medical insurance, Jane.
    is dressed now. She crosses the room to the
door, tries to open it. It’s locked.
    It’s locked. I don’t
think the cops want you going anywhere right now.
    Cat SLAMS a fist against the door.
    Look, I know the
food’s not great, but there are worse places to spend the
    Cat moves to the window. She looks down.
She starts to push at the glass, looking for a way to open it.
    Don’t get any
ideas. We’re four floors up. Besides, this is a modern hospital.
    None of the windows
    Cat gives up, turns away angrily.
    A dawning suspicion in his eyes.
    Cat retreats to a corner of the room, sinks
down to the floor. Her stare is sullen, angry. Tom looks at her thoughtfully.
    You knew what I was
saying. About the window.
    Cat watches him. Her face gives nothing
away. Tom moves closer, smiling despite himself.
    You little con
artist. You hear me.
    Cat turns her head away from him.
    This would be a lot
easier if you’d talk to me. She ignores him.
    Come on. Say
something. Anything. Name, rank, phone number, I don’t
    care. What’s your
sign? What’s your favorite color? You like anchovies on
    your pizza?
    Fine. I

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