Dirty Zero

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Book: Dirty Zero by Kyle Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kyle Adams
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“'Lo, Wyatt!” someone yelled waving their hand in front of my face, blocking my comic book. Didn’t they know it was rude to interrupt someone while they were reading? Especially since Captain Uptightedness was just about to plunder Daring Audacity’s secret cavern. This was the final issue before starting the next story arc. It just came out today and I had spent half my lunch break driving to the comic book store. I had to know how this arc ended. Things really picked up four issues ago when Audacity killed TemTitus, Captain Uptightedness’s young protégé. The last issue had ended with the Captain not only learning the location of the Audacity Lair, but also that his arch-nemesis Audacity was really his dead younger brother, well, not so dead. And now, because of some Jackass interrupting me, I wasn't going to be able to finish before I had to go back to work. I knew I should have read in my car but the couch in the break room is so comfortable. Usually, there is no one around on my break since I take it an hour later than everyone else.
    “What,” I grunted not bothering to look up from my comic. Using my hand, I motioned for the jerk to move theirs. I would have shoved it out of my face but my hand sanitizer was at my desk and I had no idea where this hand had been. Soon as the jerk’s hand moved, I'd be able to finish my story.
    “Sorry, Wyatt, didn't mean to put my hand in your face but didn't know how else to get your attention. I said your name like eight times and you never answered.” Oh, man, I knew that deep sultry voice belonged to Brian, the super-hot, nice, and totally out of my league office heartthrob. I tilted my head and slowly peeked up, the deepest green eyes I have ever seen were looking back at me.
    Why was Brian even talking to me? Didn’t he know I couldn’t function around him? He was tall and handsome, with his muscular body and chiseled face. Simply put he was hot, hotter than any character from my comic books. I get nervous enough around normal people but when Brian is near, I turn into a complete ass. I just stare at him without blinking like a total freak, and you can forget talking, my mouth just quits working. I fought the urge to push my glasses up, I am sure he already thought I was a stupid loser, I've never been able to say a full sentence around him. Usually, I would just answer his questions by shaking my head. I wasn't much better at talking to other people but at least with them I could usually say a full sentence.
    “W-What?” I repeated more hesitantly, proud I only stuttered once. Hoping a one word answer counted as a full sentence.
    Brian smiled his trademark smile that always made my cock hard and my knees soft. Luckily, I was sitting and the comic covered my crotch so I didn’t have to try to hide my erection this time. “I asked you to come to my house next Friday night. My sister is using my place to have a party and I want you to come.” I was about to shake my head, like I always do when he invites me out for drinks, bowling or whatever the guys were doing. “It’s a superhero party, you have to come. There's a prize for best costume.”
    Instead of shaking my head, I just stared up at him, my mouth open. Was he serious? “Come on, you have a week and a half to get ready. You can even wear a mask, hide your identity if you want,” he probably thought I’d be more comfortable if no one knew who I was. Ha! Poor Brian, little did he know that nothing makes me comfortable in social situations.
    “I-I’ll consider the o-option,” I stammered. Breaking away from his mesmerizing eyes, I managed to look back at my comic. I figured I should make the effort and go, it's not like it would hurt to get out there and try to meet people. I was twenty-five, and couldn't remember the last time I had sex. Was it in college? Yeah, it was probably time to start putting myself out there, as scary as that thought was.
    “Hey,” he said grabbing my chin and tilting my

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