Desperate (Harris Trilogy Book One)

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Book: Desperate (Harris Trilogy Book One) by Teresa Greene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Teresa Greene
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will.” She was already fuming with Captain Harris, and did not need Lieutenant Emerson making her angrier.
    “If you think he cares one bit about you, think again. A man of Captain Harris’ standings would not marry a whore.”   
    Kate opened her mouth ready to give Lieutenant Emerson a piece of her mind when she heard David’s angry voice. “Get back into formation, Lieutenant Emerson. I have had enough of your poor attitude.” She was thankful Captain Harris had returned. Emerson’s lewd remarks made her furious.
    Emerson gave Captain Harris an exaggerated salute, “Yes, Sir.” He reined his horse back into formation.
    E ven though she was still angry with his arrogance, she felt safe when he was by her side.      When she glanced at Emerson and saw the fury on his face, she shivered. She would have to be sure to stay clear of him. 
    Kate and David rode the res t of the day without speaking. Both were worried. Kate about what she was going to do to keep David from sending her back home. He worried about the battle ahead. How many more men and boys would die before this terrible war was over?
    On the evening of May 1, 1863, Captain Harris’ Infantry marched into the wilderness area. General Lee and Stonewall Jackson’s armies were already there. After months of inactivity, they were spoiling for a fight.
    Kate couldn’t b elieve all the gray uniforms. There were men as far as she could see. Apprehensive being the only female in sight had her heart pounding. When Kate dismounted from her horse, her legs almost buckled under her. Pain vibrated through her whole body from the hours spent in the saddle. Head resting against the side of the saddle she bit her bottom lip.
    “Are you okay?”
    She made an effort to smile at David. “Yes, I’m not accustomed to riding.” She walked around slowly until she had feeling in her legs again. Her whole body still ached.
    David moved away from his horse and handed her a canteen. She lifted it to her lips and took several swallows. “I have to meet with the other commanders. After the men get my tent set up, wait for me there. Talk to no one. Go nowhere.” He left her standing there looking at his back as he walked away.
    It was very late when David arrived back at his quarters. As soon as Kate saw him, she knew he was in a dark mood. She was almost afraid to speak to him. 
    She whispered, “Are you okay?” 
    “I’m worried because the Yankees hav e many more troops than we do. I hate to lose any more lives for a war we may not win. So many have already perished. There will be many more lost tomorrow.” The verbal picture he painted made her heart quiver in her chest.
    Fighting the urge to touch him, she whispered, “I wish I could do something to ease your pain.”
    David g ave her a long lingering look. She saw that look and her heart beat rapidly, knowing she wouldn’t refuse him if he tried to kiss her. He finally looked away and stated in a firm tone, “Go to bed Kate, we’ll talk in the morning.”
    A s she ambled from the room David’s gaze was drawn to her. She was wearing one of his shirts, which was much too big and baggy for her, and she seemed so young and vulnerable. 
    I t didn’t matter what she chose to wear. Knowing what was hiding beneath the baggy shirt made him want her desperately. He knew he was in a dilemma. The longer she was in his presence, the more he feared succumbing to his desire for her.
    Early the next morning Kate woke to moonlight streaming into the entrance of the tent. Last night she had trouble sleeping because she could not keep David Harris from her thoughts. She admired him. He was the most honorable, gorgeous, descent man, she had ever known. By the way he was looking at her last night, he was also attracted to her.
    Smelling a pungent odor, Kate gazed across the small space inside the tent and saw David sitting in a chair near the entrance deep in thought. Shadows caused his profile to look

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