Desperate (Harris Trilogy Book One)

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Book: Desperate (Harris Trilogy Book One) by Teresa Greene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Teresa Greene
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dangerous. The smoke from his cigar swirled around him and she wondered what he was thinking. Quietly, she slipped out of bed and walked to where he sat. Blue eyes met hers and her heart almost stopped at the pain she saw in them.
    “Is there a nything I can do to help today? I can’t just sit here and twiddle my thumbs. I need something to occupy my mind or I will go crazy with worry.”
    With long fingers he rubbed the stubble on his cheek. In a brisk voice he stated, “I’m not sending you into battle.”
    “I’m not asking you to, but surely the re is something else I can do. I helped my grandmother. She was a natural healer. I have some abilities with healing.” 
    Taking a deep draw from his cigar, David slowly blew the smoke into the cool morning air. After what seemed an eternity he stated, “There are some tents set up for the injured soldiers. It may be pretty gory but you could assist the doctors if you think you can handle it. I will have you escorted there. But, you must wear your uniform. We don’t want anyone to find out you are a woman.”
    She smiled shyly. “Thank you. I would rather be busy and be of some help, than to stay here and worry.”
    He stood and peered down at her standing just inches from him. She stared into his sensual eyes for what seemed like forever before he finally bent and kissed her lips. She fought the urge to wrap her arms around his neck and pull him close. Pure passion, it could not be described as anything else.
    Abruptly, David stepped away from Kate as if he feared what he would do if he st ayed. “I will see you later tonight.” He turned and quickly went through the entrance of the tent prepared for the battle ahead. She shivered as she touched her lips where he had kissed her. She would be counting the minutes until tonight. 
    Kate dressed in her male garb , and exited the tent to find a young soldier waiting for her. He escorted her to some huge tents set up in a clearing. In awe of her surroundings, she saw makeshift beds and cots waiting to be filled with injured soldiers. Doctors were busy arranging medical instruments, and preparing to save lives. 
    Kate approached a tall, young, doctor with shoulder length , blond hair tied back with a piece of leather. “Hi, I’m Jake, and I have been sent to assist in any way that I can.” 
    “I’m Doctor Jacob Greene.” He had to be at least six foot four inches tall. He was so tall she had to look up to see into his handsome face. He was also very muscular with a massive chest. When Kate thought of doctors, he was not what came to mind. 
    “Jake , we need lots of water. Go to the creek and start filling buckets with water. Anything you can find to put water in, use it. Thanks, we really appreciate your help.”
    A heavy, white mist penetrated the forest as Captain David Harris looked at the young soldiers readying for battle. Many of them too young to understand what they were fighting for. Most didn’t own slaves, but had been forced to fight. But then the war wasn’t just about slavery. It went much deeper than that.
    He could see General Lee astride his gray mount, Traveler, gi ving commands in the distance. David always felt agitated before battle. His black gelding, Midnight, stomped underneath him as if sensing his mood. He hated not being in control and he never knew what to expect in battle.
    Lieutenant Emerson drew his horse next to David and saluted. “The men are ready, Captain.”
    David patted Midnight’s thick neck to calm the animal. When he had control of his horse, he offered Emerson his hand giving him a firm handshake. “Good luck, Mike.” His Lieutenant gave him a solemn nod and another salute before galloping his horse to his men and taking his place among them. Back ramrod straight and eyes staring straight ahead, he removed his saber with a flourish and waited for David’s command.
    The sun broke over the trees and with it the fog began to dissipate. Full of color and light,

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