Desperate (Harris Trilogy Book One)

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Book: Desperate (Harris Trilogy Book One) by Teresa Greene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Teresa Greene
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the clearing in the middle of the Virginia forest was beautiful. Green trees, wild flowers, he took a moment to take in all the peace and wonder. In a nearby tree he heard a woodpecker hammering on a tree.
    From the hill David could see the Yankees lined up in b attle formation causing his stomach to lurch. A long line of blue uniforms at attention, weapons raised and ready, as far as the eye could see looked ominous as the morning sun inched toward them.
    In mere minutes the beauty would be gone , and in its place blood would cover the ground. A general in full Union regalia raced his horse in front of the young men shouting orders to pump them up for the battle ahead. Sword high in the air, he looked regal and proud mounted on his mighty white steed. In the distance he saw the red, white, and blue of the Union flag, heard the band playing.
    The urge to turn his horse around and head home was strong. The thought of another battle caused the knots in his stomach to intensify. Emotion swamped him as he did his best to pull his thoughts together for his men. He was a captain in the Confederate Army and he had responsibilities.
    The commanders all received their orders and led their men toward the Union forces. He looked at Lieutenant Emerson and gave a slight nod. His saber swiped through the air and he shouted, “Attack.”
    The Rebel yell was deafening as they raced forward on horseback. Men without benefit of a horse followed behind at a full run , weapons ready to fire.     
    Man after man fell to their deaths as they met on the battlefield. The death and carnage would forever be in his mind. Until his dying day he would have nightmares.
    After several hours of brutal fighting, they had the Yankees on the run, but it had been at a heavy cost. Lee and his men had struck a surprise maneuver, and smashed through the Union defenses. The Yankees retreated eastward.
    There were so many dead soldiers’ bodies littered across the terrain, men from th e South and North. The numbers were staggering. As night fell the battle was called off because of the wooded terrain of the Virginia forest giving the remaining soldiers a chance to rest. Still he didn’t feel any peace. In the morning the battle would continue, more men would die. 
    After the exertion of hauling water for several hours, Kate was exhausted. Then the inevitable happened. The injured soldiers started arriving. Kate had no idea what she had gotten herself into. 
    There were only two field surgeons for the hundreds of injured soldiers. Doctor Jacob Greene, was young and vibrant, Doctor Williams, older and a drunk. Kate could tell Doctor Williams was already drunk before he began to operate on the first soldier. The young man had a bullet in his abdomen. Thank goodness he was already unconscious and did not feel Doctor Williams clumsily probing around his abdomen for the mangled piece of metal.
    Kate helped by trying to keep the wound swa bbed while the doctor operated. Doctor Williams yelled at her when she bumped his arm while trying to reach the young soldier’s wound. She could smell the liquor on his breath. The man was not decent enough to be performing surgery on a horse, let alone a human.
    Doctor Jacob Greene on the othe r hand was an excellent doctor. He had compassion and spoke and joked with the soldiers as he wrapped wounds, stitched, and performed operations. Kate decided she liked working with him and tried to stay away from Doctor Williams as much as possible.
    Too many soldiers were being carri ed into the makeshift hospital. Many had to remain on the litter that carried them to the field hospital until an operating table was available. If the soldier died, she was instructed to find the handkerchief or piece of paper on his person with his name and address, and then pin it to his uniform so someone could contact his family to let them know of his death. There were so many she felt hopeless. How would they ever catch up? There was chaos

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