Denise's Daily Dozen
side. Time: 20 seconds.

  Continue pivoting from side to side but now alternate punching your arms up straight toward the ceiling. As you punch your left arm up, lean to the right, bending the right knee slightly. As you punch with your right arm, lean to the left, bending your left knee slightly. Time: 20 seconds.

  From the above position, alternate punching your arms down toward the ground. Time: 20 seconds.

2. Knee-Ups with Abs
Trim your waist and slim your thighs. And get your heart rate up, too!

  Stand up straight with your abs pulled in and feet hip-width apart. Bend your arms so your elbows are out to the side and your hands are in front of your chest. Alternate lifting your knees up to your chest. Time: 20 seconds.

  Continue alternating lifting your knees, but place your hands behind your head with your elbows bent. This targets the front of the torso and lower abs, too. Time: 20 seconds.

  Continue alternating knee lifts, but bring your right elbow to your left knee and then your left elbow to your right knee. This targets the sides of the waistline. Time: 20 seconds.

3. Power Jog with Arm Firmer
Just feel the fat blasting off your entire body.
Kick-start your metabolism into high gear.

  Jog in place, keeping your abs in tight and your back straight as you extend your arms down by your thighs with your palms facing away from you.

  BICEP CURLS: Pump and curl your hands toward your shoulders. Time: 20 seconds.

  TRICEP TONERS: Continue jogging in place, but now press your arms behind you. Time: 20 seconds.

  OVERHEAD PRESSES: Continue jogging, but change your arm movements so that you press up toward the ceiling between each bicep curl. Time: 20 seconds.

Did you know that the deepest layer of your abdomen is called the transverse abdominal? This muscle helps you contract your abdomen and draw your belly inward. So suck it up. Seriously. Repeatedly pulling in and tightening your abs will help create a natural girdle for the front of your midsection. It also adds power and stability to everyday movements such as walking and sitting.

4. Side Leaps/Lateral Bounding
Sculpt and shape your buttocks. And train like an athlete.

  Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Bend your knees and squat down. Bend your elbows with your hands up by your chest. From the squat position, step side-to-side about two to three feet. Time: 30 seconds.

  Keep moving side-to-side in a squat position, but leap from side to side rather than stepping and lift your foot up slightly off the floor. Time: 30 seconds.

  CHALLENGE: While leaping side-to-side, swing your arms forward and back as you move.

5. Hamstring Curl
Sleek, sculpted, sexy legs can be yours as you get heart-healthy, too.

  Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your hips.

  Step side-to-side about two to three feet as you alternate lifting one leg off the floor behind you and bringing your heel to your rear each time. Time: 30 seconds.

  BACK ROWS: Continue hamstring curls with your legs and add an arm variation where you’re pulling your elbows down and back behind you. Time: 30 seconds.

6. Burpee (Squat Thrust)
This is a tough one, but it works it all.
And it blasts calories fast to shrink those fat cells.

  Stand with your feet more than hip-width apart and squat down, touching the floor with your hands.

  Jump your body back with knees bent and abs strong.

  Jump your feet back toward your hands to the first position.

  Stand up and extend your arms toward the ceiling. Time: 1 minute.

  CHALLENGE: When you jump your legs out behind you, straighten your legs as in the top part of a push-up/plank. Then add another challenge at the top: Jump up.

7. High Kicks
Kick your way to “hot legs.” And get fit for life.

  Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and alternate kicking your legs out in front of you (straighten them but don’t lock your knees). As you

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