Denise's Daily Dozen
of your life and have success. Just stay upbeat and positive. This is your time to shine. Go for it! And get excited for what lies ahead. You deserve to feel your best!
Do your exercise routine without judgment. Don’t think negative thoughts like I’m too fat or I’ll never get this . Simply trying will help you improve those push-ups and that chest fly. Replace judgment words like lazy, weakling, or fat with positive words such as courage, challenge, and even the phrase I can . Congratulate yourself on starting something new. You’re amazing.
    Today’s Daily Dozen workout is twelve minutes of aerobic moves that I call the Cardio Fat Blast. As the name implies, it’ll burn calories and fat, and jump-start your metabolism by mixing periods of moderate-intensity exercise with periods of higher intensity. Called interval training, this boosts your heart rate and challenges your body more than maintaining one steady speed would. This Cardio Fat Blast workout will also help tone your body with compound moves that require you to use a lot of muscles at one time. The benefit is that you’re training like an athlete and working twice as many muscles in half the time! Remember, burning fat and calories is important, but so is building muscle. That’s because muscle requires more calories to maintain than fat. As a result, the more muscles you have, the more calories you burn even when you’re not working out—and that includes sleeping and sitting on the couch.
It’s best to exercise in the morning before the day’s activity begins. Walking or running helps warm up the body. Breaking a little sweat will make you feel more flexible during your toning sessions. Face your day with the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you’ve already worked out. It’ll save you from worrying about how you’ll fit it in later—or worse, dealing with the guilt associated with not fitting it in. Don’t run the risk of allowing other tasks to take precedence over your workout. You deserve to feel great!
    This Cardio Fat Blast will do more than help you lose pounds and inches over the next three weeks; it’ll also give you more energy in just twelve minutes! In fact, many fans of my Daily Dozen DVDs say they do this Cardio Fat Blast on other days of the week when they need an energy boost rather than seek out an unhealthy, short-term solution like sugar or caffeine. Trust me. I need energy for my long, busy days and, boy, does this workout help. So, let’s get started on the road to the healthier, more fit you! I know you can do it, and more importantly, I want you to believe that you can!
Who doesn’t love sugary drinks? I definitely do! Soft drinks, sweetened coffee drinks, and some fruit juices might not seem like much when you’re drinking them, but they can add hundreds of calories to your diet—and your waistline! The diet versions are a little better, but only a little. They’re still crammed with sodium and chemicals. Their sweet taste can even trigger cravings for other sweets! Remember that you can have a can of soda or your favorite latte! Just be sure to consider these drinks as treats and not an everyday part of your eating plan. To quench your thirst, try herbal tea, seltzer flavored with lemon or lime, or the most sensible drink of all—refreshing water!

Commit to being fit! You can do it! You are worth it!
Double the workout in half the time!
    1. Punches
Warm up your body and tone your arms, all while revving up your metabolism.

  Stand with your feet wider than hip-width apart and pivot to your left side so that your left knee is bent slightly and your right leg is straight behind you. At the same time, bend your left arm so it’s by your side with your fist by your shoulder and punch your right arm out to the left side at shoulder height. Then pivot your body to the right side and repeat. Alternate punching from side to

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