Dark Diary

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Book: Dark Diary by P. Anastasia Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. Anastasia
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just to be with me?”
    She brought her fingers to my face and forked them lovingly through my hair.
    “Matthaya, I would give up my entire world to be with you,” she said with an earnest smile.
    I wanted to believe her.
    “They will never accept us,” I said, sighing. At that point, I realized that I could no longer deny myself the touch I longed for. I did want Kathryn. I needed her and she needed me, too.
    I hugged her again and savored the warm, rosy scent of her. She pressed her palms to my chest and rested her head against me. I moved a tousle of her hair to the side and kissed her neck.
    She gasped.
    That tiny breath of surprise from her lips intrigued me an d seduced my senses in an instant. The sweet, delicate taste of her skin filled me with impulses I had never before experienced. There was newfound strength in the quickening of her heartbeat and my body pulsed with the thrill of finally having Kathryn in my arms—alone and utterly mine. A second kiss to the base of her neck made her fingers twitch and move to the sides of my body, searching for a place to rest.
    I brought my hand up to cup Kathryn’s cheek and noticed a striking peacefulness fill her eyes. There was a flutter in my stomach and my heart raced as I gravitated closer to her. It was want, need, instinct—whatever you want to call it—and it drew me into the beauty and softness of Kathryn’s lips.
    Her lashes lowered and I kissed her.
    My fingers wove into the back of her hair, pulling her closer and deeper into me. A warm, contented breath escaped her mouth and caressed my lips. To breathe in and taste that yearning sigh of hers was heaven.
    It was as if I knew exactly how to kiss her and she knew exactly how to be kissed by me. I’d fantasized about it for so long that it was strangely natural between us. Our lips moved in a unique and distinct rhythm that was anything but awkward.
    Her arm quivered slightly, growing weaker from the weight she had been resting on it. The flowerbed of the clearing beneath us was soft, so I carefully drew her hand up and let her lie back onto the grass. With both of her hands on my neck and her nails still combing through my hair, my mind grew cloudy and overwhelmed, and I leaned down to kiss her again.
    I wanted to stay there forever—to feel her breath mingle with mine and share with her a kiss that would atone for all that I had withheld. Kathryn’s restless fingers wandered to the middle of my collar where she untangled the leather threads so she could slide her hand between them and touch my skin. She tried to grasp my shoulder, but released me as a quiet grunt of pain welled in my throat. The wounds were healing, but still tender.
    She pulled her hand away, but I took it into my own and entwined my fingers with hers as I pressed her arm back down into the grass. The fingers of my other hand traced her collarbone and she closed her eyes beneath me.
    The sun’s rays sprinkled through the trees and reflected off the small gold cross that hung on a fine chain around her neck. Rose blush colored her cheeks and tinted the skin across her chest at the brim of her dress. Her beauty was breathtaking. Captivating.
    “It is nice to see you smile,” she said, opening her eyes and letting her fingers tighten around mine. “I had once thought you couldn’t because you never did.”
    “You have always made me happy, Kathryn,” I said, kissing her forehead. “It was the fear of that happiness that made it appear otherwise.”
    I rolled over to the side and then lay back. She followed, curling up close to my ribs while my arm closed around her and pulled her in even nearer. It was uncomfortable to be on my back, but holding her made me happily endure the pain.
    We shared a peaceful sigh and watched as the branches overhead rustled in the wind. Every breath filled me with a force that left me comforted, whole, and never wanting to leave that splendid place.
    Raven was a few meters away, munching happily at a

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