Dangerous Beauty: Part One: Destiny
    Mickey looked at his friend with one brow raised and chuckled. “And straightening up a few chairs is going to make up for what we did in front of their innocent eyes, as you call them?” he joked.
    Nathan chuckled, he knew it wouldn’t, but he couldn’t stop himself from trying not to look like a complete brute. “I know, I know, I can’t help myself when I do that shit. I just wish that Reeves would have listened the first time. We could have had that meeting away from the eyes of his family. It’s not easy to get that shit out of your head you know, watching someone you love hurt.”
    Mickey looked at his friend with concern, he knew why Nathan thought this way and he understood his gesture and reassuring words to Reeves’s family. Nathan was very complex to Mickey sometimes. He could be cold and ruthless when appropriate, and he could show kindness and compassion to those that deserved it. This was always interesting to Mickey about his friend. How could someone capable of such brutal acts like Nathan, care so much about being viewed as a monster by innocent individuals?
    Mickey slapped his friend on the back. “Yeah buddy, you’re right. I’m sure they appreciate you putting those chairs back in place on the way out,” he joked.
    Nathan laughed. “Fuck you.”
    “Let’s get to the plane and get the hell out of here,” Mickey said leaning back in his seat.
    Nathan nodded his head in agreement.

Beautiful Stranger
    The plane ride to Hope Beach was the most fun Nathan had experienced in a long time. He’d forgotten how much fun it was to hang out with Mickey, and even though he didn’t say it out loud, he was kind of looking forward to the trip with his brothers.
    When they got off the plane Nathan was greeted by the warm winds and sunny sky. He was glad they made it to Hope Beach before dark so he could look around the “little piece of heaven,” as Kyle called it. And he was right. Hope Beach was beautiful. The sunny sky, warm breeze, beautiful luxury homes, manicured lawns, and the gorgeous Hope Garden, all took Nathan’s breath away. He couldn’t take his eyes off of the beautiful assorted flowers that gave the garden a rainbow effect. It made him remember his mother. She loved gardens and she’d spent most of her time tending to her own. Gardening was a skill she had taught Nathan when he was very young. His father would always tell her that it wasn’t a skill that a man needed to possess, but his mother continued to teach him anyway. Nathan didn’t mind it at all, as a matter of fact, it brought him peace. Together, with the help of professionals, he and his mother built a beautiful garden that Nathan hadn’t visited since her death.
    Nathan was still admiring the beauty as he waited for the stop light to change. When he looked up he saw the light was still red, so he turned his attention back to the garden. He noticed a large rose garden full of beautiful roses of various colors and his eyes settled on the yellow patch, those were his mother’s favorite. He remembered how she used them as decoration in their home and on his favorite big white gazebo, and the memory brought a smile to his face. It was memories like these that made him miss her even more.
    He was enjoying the good memories of his mother when he noticed a pair of gorgeous brown legs appear in front of the yellow roses directly in his line of sight. His eyes began to journey upward to see the owner of those beautiful legs only to find a woman with her back toward him. She bent forward and picked up a rose that wasn’t rooted in the ground, giving Nathan a mouthwatering view of her incredible ass in the pair of khaki shorts she wore.
, he thought biting down on his bottom lip. She had the perfect ass, round, plump, and it looked soft as hell. Nathan was sure it would fit so perfectly in his hands.
    When she stood up, she flipped her beautiful long hair over her shoulder. Nathan didn’t know if he had ever seen

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