Dangerous Beauty: Part One: Destiny
hair that beautiful before. It was like a thick black cloud that made its way down, ending in the middle of her back. It looked so soft. Nathan yearned to feel it against his skin. His eyes traveled to her beautiful legs again and he admired her gorgeous skin tone. God, her skin looked as smooth as silk, and
sweet like a rich Hershey’s chocolate bar. He really wished she would turn around so he could see her face.
    And he got his wish.
    When she turned around, for the second time in minutes, something in Hope Beach had taken Nathan’s breath away.
    He was stuck, gazing at the stunning woman standing in the rose garden. She looked to be far away in thought as a small smile appeared on her beautiful face. She brought the rose up to the most beautiful full lips Nathan had ever seen, and placed a soft kiss on it. Nathan’s breath caught as a rush of memories flashed through his mind of him and his mother in their garden. His mother would pick up one of her roses and kiss it then recite something she made up that Nathan just couldn’t remember at the moment.
    Shaking his head of the memory, his attention went back to the beauty in the garden. Her hair blew in the wind, and the sun kissed her smooth milk chocolate skin perfectly. She looked like an angel. Nathan was fighting to stay in the car, but it was like an invisible force was pushing him to jump out, take her in his arms, and kiss her senseless. He wanted to know her name. No, he
to know her name. He needed to know the memory that put that beautiful smile on her face. He needed to know—
    “Nathan! Hello, Earth to Nathan!”
    Nathan blinked rapidly and shook his head. What the fuck was wrong with him? Was he actually considering jumping from his car to run across the street and confess his love to a complete stranger?
Holy shit.
    He looked at Mickey, who was giving him a striking
what the fuck
look. Nathan frowned. “What?”
    Mickey pointed to the traffic light. “It’s green. It’s been green. Where the hell were you man?”
    He could hear the horns blare from the drivers behind him but he wanted to steal one more peek at the beautiful stranger. When he looked her way once more, his breath caught in his chest. She was looking at him! She had a confused expression on her face, most likely wondering why the idiot in the black BMW was holding up traffic. Their eyes met, and damn it, Nathan was stuck again.
    Her eyes were the most beautiful hazel with a hint of green and they held him captive, he was powerless against them. A slow smile appeared on her beautiful face and Nathan couldn’t help but mirror her smile. She raised her hand and waved at him which made him smile wider. She let out a shy giggle and shook her head, and Nathan could have sworn he swooned like a little bitch.
    Nathan was completely captivated by her. Her smile was warm and her eyes were expressive, it was like they were having a conversation without even speaking to one another. He was going to run to her, he needed to run to her. God, why the hell did he want to run to her? What the fuck was wrong with him?
    “Nathan! What the fuck?”
    Nathan snapped out of yet another daze and his attention went to Mickey.
    “What?” Nathan snapped, angry at Mickey for interrupting his silent conversation with his beautiful stranger.
    Mickey glared at him. “What the hell do you mean what? you just missed the light man. What the hell?”
    Nathan looked up at the light. W
he thought and chuckled. “Shit, I’m sorry man.” But he wasn’t sorry one bit. Now he could steal another look at his beautiful stranger. Just one more look, he was sure he’d be able to leave after one more look.
    “What the hell is so funny Nathan? And what the hell are you looking…”
    Nathan was gone, lost in another silent conversation with the beauty in Hope Garden. When their eyes met again she laughed, a fucking beautiful laugh that he could listen to over and over again for the rest of his life.

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