Siren Song

Read Online Siren Song by A. C. Warneke - Free Book Online

Book: Siren Song by A. C. Warneke Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. C. Warneke
anything. I really have to get out of here.”
    “ But, Alexandra, there’s so much you need to learn,” her mother protested.
    Aunt Sophie put a restraining hand on her sister’s arm and held Lexi’s eyes as she spoke, “Let her go, Char. Alexandra, you know you can call any of us when you’re ready or if you have any questions.”
    Thank you , Lexi mouthed the words and quickly made her way out of the country club, not caring who she bumped into in her haste to leave. She was going to go back to the house, take a long, hot bath, and make Cole take her out for a night on the town. Well, just a movie because she just wanted to escape for a few hours and not think at all.
    As they left the theater, Ashley put her hand in the crook of Duncan’s arm, leaning against him as they walked. “Where are we going for dinner?”
    “ I have reservations at the Prague,” he answered. “Unfortunately it is just going to be desserts and a drink since I have some work to catch up on.”
    “ What is so important that we can’t have a full meal?”
    “ I bought a magazine,” he said. “Since I’m meeting with the staff on Monday I want to go over my notes so I’m prepared.”
    “ I’m sure you’re already completely prepared,” she sighed. “Let’s have dinner than you can come over to my place tonight; maybe spend the rest of the weekend with me?”
    “ I can’t,” he said with an apologetic smile. “I have too much to do before Monday.”
    “ Damn it, Duncan,” she growled. “It’s been almost a month since we’ve copulated and that was only because there was a full moon; I’m practically a born-again virgin.”
    He laughed at that statement. “I know for a fact that you didn’t go home alone last night.”
    “ What’s a mere human when compared to an Alpha?” she pouted, nudging him with her hip as she looked up at him and grinned unrepentantly. “He hardly counts at all; just like your interlude with the blond.”
    Looking down at her, ignoring the dull ache in his gut when he thought about Lexi, he said, “After my meeting on Monday I’ll take you out for lunch and we can see where things go from there.”
    “ Promise?” she asked, the hope apparent in her voice.
    “ Yes,” he nodded. It was counter-productive to think about Lexi; she was completely ill-suited as a prospective mate and he should be focusing on his future, which meant looking for a mate amongst the wolves. Which meant concentrating on Ashley the wolf and not the elusive Lexi the human. Deliberately, he draped his arm around Ashley's shoulder, “And don’t worry, Ash; you’re still the front runner in my quest to find a mate.”
    She rested her hand against his chest and sighed, “It does make the most sense, doesn’t it? It’s just… I don’t think I’m ready to settle down just yet. I’ve finally bonded with my wolf and we are enjoying our freedom.”
    Duncan bit back his sharp retort regarding his thoughts about the insanity of bonding with their wolves. Forcing a smile, his voice came out rough, “I’ve noticed.”
    She threw her head back and laughed, the sound sensual and earthy. And completely wasted on Duncan. Last week, he would have taken her in his arms and covered the saucy sound with his mouth, absorbing it into his body as a prelude to a round of hot and heavy sex. Now, it just amused him. “Surely you remember how sexual you became when you first bonded with your wolf, wanting to hump just about everything in sight and having the ability to do so? The rush of power and the animal sex is exhilarating.”
    He didn’t tell her that he hadn’t bonded for that very reason; he wasn’t going to be ruled by his hormones like some beast, some wild animal. He learned his lesson when he was fifteen and started the bonding process; his wolf had run wild and nearly brought Duncan to his knees before Duncan ruthlessly got him back under control. And until last night, he had remained perfectly sane

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