Cop's Passion
torch in hand.
    True to his
word, the big boofhead next door had left his side gate unlocked,
so she walked quickly through and went to the shed. Peeking inside,
she saw the glitter of the kitten’s eyes peering out from under the
bench, and she squatted down and spoke to it softly for several
minutes. It meowed several times back at her but didn’t advance. At
least it didn’t run away or try to hide and pleased with that
little bit at least, Maddy placed the chicken down not far from it
and refilled the water bowl. After placing it beside the food dish
inside the shed, she went back to her own place and finally,
finally, had her shower.
    Tired out, not
even the annoyance she felt towards Mike could keep her awake and
within minutes of lying down, Maddy was fast asleep with Chaz
tucked up beside her. Not even the sound of his motorcycle rumbling
into his driveway woke her.
    Knocking on
Maddy’s door the next morning, Mike still could not get over the
danger in which she’d unwittingly placed herself. He was going to
drag her to the shop to buy a mobile phone. If he had to, he’d
handcuff her to his own wrist so she’d have no choice. Failing
that, he’d buy her one himself.
    There was no
answer and the garage door was closed, so he presumed she was at
work. A movement in the lounge window caught his eye and he turned
his head to find himself looking into a pair of brilliant blue eyes
in a seal face. Ye gods, the lady had a Siamese cat, one of those
who howled like a baby, so he’d been told.
    Mike regarded
the cat cautiously, and was regarded back with much interest. The
cat lifted a seal paw and batted at the window. Luckily Maddy had
security screens on her windows, because going by the coy
expression on the cat’s face, if he got out he’d be Mike’s friend
for life. Another annoying fur ball he did not need in his life
right now.
    Leaving the
house, Mike returned to his own place and did some overdue laundry.
He was hanging it up on the clothes line when he spotted the
kitten. Standing very still, he watched as the little animal strode
across his back lawn as though it owned it. Probably thought it
did, seeing as it was sleeping in his shed and being fed.
    The kitten saw
him and stopped. They regarded each other cautiously before the
kitten sat down to watch him.
    Shaking his
head, Mike resumed hanging up the clothes, sure that the fur ball
would take off. It didn’t, instead, it sat and watched him until he
went back inside. When he looked out of the door a short time
later, the kitten was standing on its hind feet at the clothes
line, sniffing the legs of his trousers.
    He was hoping
Maddy would return home for lunch, but when she didn’t appear he
knew he wouldn’t be seeing her that day. By the time he got off
work she’d probably be asleep.
    Sure as eggs,
when he got home late that night the lights in her home were off
except for her bedroom light. Not about to rouse her out of bed, he
went inside. But he was still determined to talk to her.
    The next
morning he went out to the garage to open the door and was just in
time to see her car pulling out of the driveway and onto the road.
Now he had a plan. He was working two morning shifts, so he’d see
her that night and make her understand that she needed a mobile
phone. Maybe the stubborn chit had already bought one, then he
could save his lecture.
    Going to the
open garage door, Mike was startled to see the kitten curled up on
the seat of his precious motorcycle.
    “Oy,” he said.
“You can’t sleep there. Off.”
    Startled, the
kitten leaped off the motorcycle and ran behind some loose sheeting
in the corner.
    “I opened the
door for me, not for you to make yourself comfortable,” Mike
continued. “Don’t think you’re staying here, fur ball.”
    Slinging his
leg over the seat, he settled down and kicked the motorcycle into
life. It roared as he throttled it, and he grinned at the pleasure
of the sound.
    The kitten
wasn’t so

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