Cop's Passion
shaped cushions?”
    “Yes. End of
discussion on that topic.”
as ever, I see.”
    “Observant as
always, duly noted.
    Jeannie glanced
between the two of them with a slight smile, but she was obviously
not sure how to take their teasing. Maddy politely smiled at her
but that was as far as she was willing to take politeness.
    Belinda sipped
at the mug of tea. “No cup and saucer?”
    “As I already
said, observant as always and duly noted.”
    “Now I know
what to buy you for your birthday.
    “Oh goody, some
more items to place in the back of a cupboard until a decent
interval has passed and I can donate them to the Good
laughed. “I have missed chatting with you, darling.”
    “Me too.” With
a grin, Maddy nodded to the packet of biscuits on the coffee table.
“Have a teddy bear shaped bickie.”
    With a sigh,
her sister-in-law broke open the end of the package and withdrew a
biscuit. “Not even served on a plate.”
energy and water.”
    Shaking her
head, Belinda smiled and broke off a piece of the biscuit to give
to Chaz, who was hovering around her feet. “So, darling, tell me.
Have you met anyone nice since moving here?”
    Maddy mentally
rolled her eyes. “I work for the same Association that I have for
the last five years, so no new workmates there.”
    “Don’t be
silly. I mean since you moved here, to this new neighbourhood. Any
eligible men?”
    They all left
as soon as they heard you were coming.”
levelled a look at her.
    “Good men
aren’t easy to find,” Jeannie said. “Most of those with money and
connections are already taken.” She glanced at Maddy. “You need to
start looking.”
    Uh-huh. A
gold-digger. Delightful.
    “No men here
I’m aiming for,” Maddy replied, and she could almost see Belinda
change her game plan.
    “The one you’re
married to?”
    “No, your other
brother, Darren.”
    “Just trying to
get the facts straight.”
    “He’s expecting
his third child.”
    “I’m delighted
for him. Has the Miracle Science magazine contacted him yet?”
Amused, Maddy waited for the reply.
    Sure enough, it
came quickly. Belinda set the mug down on the coffee table. “Missy,
your sister-in-law, is expecting the baby. Really, Maddy, don’t be
    “I can’t help
it. I am tired.”
    “You work too
    Wait for it,
Maddy thought.
    “If you’d only
find a nice man, you could get married, give up work and become a
    And there it
is. “Oh yes, because my sole focus in life is to get myself a ball
and chain and attach myself to the kitchen sink.”
    “That’s what
servants are for, Madeleine.” Jeannie set her untouched mug of tea
on the little coffee table. “Find a nice man with good prospects
and you won’t be tied to the kitchen.”
    “You’re not
getting any younger,” Belinda added.
    Maddy’s eyes
almost crossed. “I’m really too tired for this shit.”
    “Ladies don’t
swear. I do wish you’d watch your language, that isn’t how your
parents brought you up.”
    “I swear and
I’m single. I must put you all to shame.” Amusement gave way to
irritation. Maddy liked her sister-in-law, but honest to God, there
were times she wished she lived in another state. One of those
times was now, when all she wanted to do was kick back and relax,
not listen to another attempt of Belinda match-making. Which
reminded her… “You don’t have yet another poor bastard lined up for
a blind date with me, do you?”
    Jeannie made a
little moue of disapproval but Maddy ignored her.
smoothed her hemline over her knees. “We’re having a dinner on
Friday night, and Matthew has a single male friend-”
    “No! No no no.”
Maddy scowled. “I hate blind dates. I hate being matched up to my
perfect brother’s perfect friends, then having them dump me
because, let’s face it, I don’t meet their ideals.”
    “Matthew is far

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