Continue Online (Part 3, Realities)

Read Online Continue Online (Part 3, Realities) by Stephan Morse - Free Book Online

Book: Continue Online (Part 3, Realities) by Stephan Morse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephan Morse
Tags: Science-Fiction, Fantasy, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Movement successful
    +1 [Agility]
    A message popped up that caused me to pause the wiggling and blink. Stat windows never really did much for me in Continue Online. The game almost felt like my skills and abilities mattered only as a measure of how I played rather than how hard I ground out some skill.
    I had no idea how relevant they were here either. Both arms went up in the same balancing movement I tried to do with the [Behemoth] character. Theoretically [Mechanoid] s had exceptionally fine motor skills. Probably from being in a robotic shell, computers in real life were very precise as well when programmed correctly.
    A small icon flashed to one side of my vision. I focused and sure enough, it responded like anything in Continue Online. Information came up about my chosen race, citing bonuses and drawbacks that really meant nothing to me. Near the information window was a tab for active quests which I focused on next.
Race : [Mechanoid]
    Default Coloration : Clear
    Base Stats :
  Skills tied to [Adaptability] receive a 20% bonus in growth
 Skills tied to [Mental] growth suffer a 20% penalty in growth
 Biological Skills are not accessible
Any toxins or side effects tied to flesh based functions are negated
Additional damage is received by skills targeting metals
Attention unit identified as Hermes!
    As with all skills, further quests may cause modifications to a unit's current status. Nothing should be assumed as final, the universe is vast!
    There were four tasks displayed. Each one listed as optional. Advance Online seemed indifferent and content to let me wander the halls. I figured simple missions might be at least mildly interesting. If nothing else this would help me experience what Continue hadn't.
    I went toward one titled [Clean the Sensor Array] , mostly because it was in an opposite direction from the other new player. People flooded my daily life, running into them in-game while I was sulking would be aggravating. Plus it was cleaning, that was a task even I could accomplish.
    The [Mechanoid] programming included a minimap. My meandering route along a dotted line eventually reached one of the ship's outer hulls. The ship seemed to only be a thousand feet long or so. There were seven floors and probably a hangar near the back.
    This outside portion was a walkway along one of the top floors. I pulled myself out of system messages and maps to see a wall of stars on the left. My heartbeat stuttered and I threw myself against the inner wall.
    "Goodness," I said while huffing. A passing [Mechanoid] with pink coloring didn't glance in my direction. There was an NPC icon floating above her head.
    Space was, spacious. Seeing it in my Atrium felt normal because my feet were on solid ground. This giant starship boat had inertia and mild force carrying us forth. The biggest issue had to be a lack of water to fall into. On an ocean cruiser, I could fall in and swim around. Here, if I fell, the ship would vanish into the distance.
    I dodged into the first available door then took an inside route up to my quest marker. That felt safer and far less like eternity might swallow me up. Space was just too spacious. There was an overabundance of it being this close that I couldn't wrap my mind around.
    My robotic body shook a little. A message displayed progression with synchronization, but it hadn't reached completion. There were a few small window panels on the walk to my quest. I stopped to glance out each one, feeling more at ease with visible walls safely holding me in.
    By the tenth window, I felt a little less shaken up. I braved standing in the doorway and looking out like an animal scared of the unknown. Xin had been insanely brave to want this kind of life. I tried to picture her up here, hanging in a landless array of lights between worlds.
    Hadn't I decided back in Continue Online to not be afraid of this sort of stuff? Wasn't this only a video game inside the

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