Consumed (Keeping her in the Dark)

Read Online Consumed (Keeping her in the Dark) by Leslie Sansom - Free Book Online

Book: Consumed (Keeping her in the Dark) by Leslie Sansom Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leslie Sansom
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soon, I think I’m going
to blow a gasket.” She smiled and touched my hand. She took a deep breath and
started talking.
    “Well I have decided I want to be a bartender at the sports
pub across the street from your office,” she paused and I was waiting for her
to tell me she was joking. The girls in that pub barley wore shorts and their
t-shirts were so tight you could see their nipples. And it was always chilly in
there. When she didn’t immediately recant, I closed my eyes and started to
breathe harder.
    “Oh calm your gaskets, Tarzan. I’m not about to flaunt my
lady parts for anyone except you. I was kidding.” I opened my eyes and she was
    “It’s the library on Porchester Road.”
    “The Paddington Library?” I asked. “What will you be doing
    “Whatever they need help with. I’ll be restocking books,
helping at the information counter, ya know, whatever they need me to do.” She
shrugged her shoulders.
    “And this is what you want to do? This is your big career?
An assistant at the library?” I chuckled a little.
    “I didn’t say it was a dynamic, mind blowing, career move. I
said I wanted to do something with my time. I love books, you know that. This
is something I can do that will make me happy.” She took my hand again. “I can
work there a few days a week, and still see you off to work every day, be home
for you in the evening, and be in your bed at night.”
    “Well, I do like the sound of that.” I put my elbows on the
table and leaned my chin on my knuckles. “Will you get paid to do this kind of
    “Yes. Not very much, but a little.”
    “Well I’m not going to ask exactly how much, but is it
enough for you? I mean, is it what you want?”
    “Liam, this isn’t about the money, you know that. I just
want to feel like I’m doing something. While I’m living this all expenses paid
life, I can save this money for the future.” I wasn’t sure what she meant by
that, but I intended to ask her.
    “Well I have plenty of things you can do, and I pay very
well.” I laughed and smirked at her.
    “Well sir, if you play your cards right, I’ll be able to work
at the library and still do my best work for you when I get home.” I leaned
closer to her and kissed her lightly on her lips.
    My first day at the library was very
busy, but so rewarding. I was given a tour by Margaret Harris, my supervisor. I
filled out paperwork for about an hour and had to call Liam to answer questions
about 401ks and insurance. I was given a short orientation on how to use the
computer and handle questions at the front desk. Then I was paired with Tim,
who showed me how to re-shelve the books.
    As I was rolling the cart around replacing the books on the
shelves I noticed a very long, winding staircase.
    “What’s up there?” I asked Tim.
    “It’s the banquet hall and several corrals that professors
rent to do research.”
    “Banquet hall?”
    “Yes. Well actually it’s really just the hall. Here let me
show you.” He took my hand and we went up the stairs. The view at the top was
magnificent. The hall was very long with marble floors and fancy chandeliers
hanging from the ceiling. It was framed in dark wood with three sets of glass
doors at the end leading out to a balcony. On each side were six large cherry
wood doors with gold handles and an arched window in between each door.
    “The twelve doors are the corrals. It’s just a small room
with a desk, computer, round table and shelves. Professors come here to work,
and do research. Some of them let their students use them as well.” Then he
paused and held his hands and turned in a circle to accent the enormous hall.
“But this space is rented out for banquets, private parties and even weddings.”
    “Really? I had no idea,” I said.
    “Oh, yes. We became so busy five years ago, booking events
for the hall, we had to hire an event coordinator. Her office is down stairs
and she has a staff of four

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